hints and advice seeked please

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hints and advice seeked please

Post by memento »

Hi i am a new member and have a few questions i would like to ask you,
I just purchased from separate sellers 2 ring necks,blue male about year old named Sky

and green female (sold as male) about 2 years old named Jaz (was jaspet).

We currently have them in separate cages but want to house them in one cage the cage jaz was bought in.At the moment both cages are very close to each other almost touching, neither bird seems interested in the other.How can we tell if they are ready to go in same cage and what is the best technique to achieve this?
We have had them for 10 days now with very little noise from them, Jaz will take food from are hand in her cage but sky is still scared and wont come near us
what is the best method for starting body contact?
Kray Twins
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Re: hints and advice seeked please

Post by Kray Twins »

I think I read on here that you will know that they want to be put together because they'll sleep as close to each other as possible in the cages if they're next to each other.

I wouldn't know how to progress further if this doesn't seem to be happening though.
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Re: hints and advice seeked please

Post by ellieelectrons »

Do they ever show any interest in nearing each other? Mine weren't sleeping side by side but I put that down to the fact that one of the cages was much taller than the other... so the one in the taller cage wouldn't want to sleep at a lower part of the cage.

I did notice, though, that there were times when they would spend time side by side in the cage.

Do you give them out of cage time? If you do, you could see how they go spending time together out of the cage at the same time?

There is a possibility that the birds won't get along and they can't be in the same cage together - this was one of my biggest fears with our two...

IRNs will ignore each other a lot of the time any way as they independent birds. They will show more interest in each other during mating season.

If you do try to put them together in a cage you need to ensure there is enough room in it for the birds to get away from each other if need be and you will need to watch them really closely.

Books I have read recommend you put them together into a third unrelated cage that neither is territorial over... however this is rarely possible. The second best option is to completely redo the cage's layout -move perches around, change toys, etc. and possibly move the location of the cage at least for a short time.

Good luck!

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