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Looking for advice

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 3:24 am
by Pixen
Greetings, fellow bird-lovers. :D

I've got a bit of a situation on my hands. Last November my boyfriend and I purchased a gorgeous Alexandrine whom we christened Buzz. We've never had a bird before so is was a bit of a learn-as-we-go thing. We looked up tips and stuff on the internet and in books about how these birds have to have a lot of socialisation as well as toys and lots of space.

From the beginning, Buzz has had both his happy, curious moments and also his nippy, pinning moods where he just doesn't want to know you - the former being far more likely than the latter. Being a uni (college) student, I've had far more time on my hands to spend time with Buzz than my boyfriend has, who's got a full time job. And now it's rolled round to August of 2010 and basically the boyfriend is not happy with how Buzz behaves with him.

Just fifteen minutes ago this was displayed in amazing clarity: the boyfriend went over and tried to get Buzz to 'step up'. Buzz completely refused to, pinning and hissing with his beak open in warning, and held fast to the rope swing even when his chest was being stroked to 'step up'. I went over and held out a finger and Buzz calmed down and straight away hopped on.

Now, I'm pretty sure it's because Rob's nowhere near as much around as I am. He doesn't hold him and talk to him as much during the day (he's at work so not his fault or anything, just the truth). But Rob doesn't want to accept this as the reason why. I think the fact that the person who sold us Buzz in the first place spoke so highly of Alexandrines that he called them 'feathered, flying dogs'. Rob wants Buzz to basically act like a happy dog when he comes home. It hit home so badly just then that Rob threatened to get rid of him if he doesn't 'improve' by Christmas. :cry:

Obviously if it came down to that I'd take Buzz of my bf's hands (far too attached to him to let him go), but I'd rather it didn't come to that. Do you guys agree with me, that it's basically that Buzz isn't all that used to Rob so that's why he's very thingy about having Rob coming up to the (open) cage and getting him to step up onto his hand? I've seen other examples where all you really have to do is repeatedly treat the bird with things like fruit and veg (the bribery option) whenever you approach. Do you think if Rob did something like this every night he came home it would help?

Any opinions/comments would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Looking for advice

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 4:24 am
by pinkdevil
Hi Pixen, welcome to the forum.

I have not owned or had any experience with Alexandrines before, but guessing similar to ringies.

I agree that Buzz has bonded to you more than your bf since you spend more time with Buzz.
I think if your bf gives Buzz treats then Buzz will be friendlier towards him.
It certainly can't hurt to try anyway. :)
Also animals pick up on our emotions and behaviour, so if your bf is a bit stresses or hesitant with Buzz, it will come through.
What about if you get buzz to go from you to your bf? Is the situation still the same?

Re: Looking for advice

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 6:55 am
by julie
They are pretty similar to a ringneck but not quite so stubborn and im not sure if its just mine is a little odd but he seems to be big and doppey (kinda like a great dane).
Mika actually growls at aaron when he walks into the room and does his best to get my attention if aaron comes near me, aaron says he is in love with me and thinks im his girl and aaron actually stirs him sometimes by coming up to me infront of him. He does go to aaron but he is normally bribed with treats that I have got aaron to pass over to him. Mika also never learnt to bite so I dont have the problem of him attacking aaron, just the growling.
It takes a little time but the "other" person needs to put a little bit of effort into making friends and keeping friends. I think in your situation you will be keeping Buzz.

Re: Looking for advice

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 12:29 am
by Pixen
Thanks for your advice :)