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Poor Baby...

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 6:37 pm
by Mikaela
My Daddy never spends anytime with me. Probably because I lunge at him when he tries to love Mama but I just dont want anyone touching her. She is mine.

I heard Daddy sitting a tee-time so I am going to be real cute and see if he lets me go smell the grass and see the alligators


No? I cant go? :evil:

Good luck teeing off with these babies after Im done with them :!:


Ack! Here he comes... Im outta here. The cat did it :!:


Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 12:19 am
by Melika
Adorable. :D Baaaad birdie... *shifty eyes*

Hane keeps trying to eat my Bird Talk mags, lol.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 4:43 am
by Mikaela
hahah... she has his keys in her mouth, she is outta there!

Thanks for looking at my punkin.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 9:46 am
by Datsun and Family
Baby is such a character, she alone must keep you on your toes! Love the pics.

Dats loves James' keys, will take them and hide them so we have to put them in cupboard so we dont lose them!

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 10:46 am
by Mikaela
Baby hides our too. I really have to wonder if she can rationalize that if I cant find my keys, I cant leave. That would be amazing.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 2:05 pm
by kyria
Awww thats cute, baby is so sweet ... <Im outta here. The cat did it !> hehe, yeah !!! blame it on the cat.

I have never like the shifty stuck up killing machines.

Sorry to anyone with cats for the following vent, its just my issues:-

But here in Aust. cat owners are so irresponsible, they get cute kitten and leave "grown up cute kitten no more" to roam the world in search of a hunt-play-kill. They either become ferrel wild cats, or they come into gardens like mine and destroy every birds nest in sight , leaving baby birds just laying dead around the yard.

I never wanted a cat , yet I have 5 different ones in my yard all the time, two of those are my neighbours, their cats doen't stay in their yard because of their "dogs" , honestly.

Look at the amount of time and money you spend to secure a yard for a dog and the cages and setups we give our birds. I think its time for laws on restraining your cat, either that or don't get a cat.

If a dog escapes and causes troubles its easily caught by the pound or the owner if you can find them. But a cat, you are never gonna catch that thing, its gonna play hide and friggin seek, lay in wait and as soon as you are gone, stalk another innocent bird.

:D There ! I said it .. coffee time .. anyone want one ?

Andrea (Angie)

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 9:45 pm
by Jade
Congratulations. Another person after my own heart!! We get the bastards trying to break into our aviaries at night time. If its not cats, its wild dogs or foxes.

Its a pity its illegal to own a gun in Australia. I have to make do with a pellet gun (which is also illegal :oops:) but I have to protect my animals! Lucky the dog is my ally in the war!

But in saying that, the crows also peck the eyes out of my newborn lambs and steal my baby chickens.

Thinking of building a bunker and manning it 24 hours to protect my various animals!

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 9:56 pm
by kyria
Close the Gates !!!

Man the cannons !!! Image

I'm right along side of you Image

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 11:15 pm
by Mikaela
All those precious warm kittens in that box back there, yaw should be ashamed hehe.

Did you know, all you have to do is eat the hell out of a bunch of oranges and throw them around the aviary... cats wont go near it. Thay hate citrus.

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 9:01 am
by selma
Toooooooooo cute Mikaela

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 3:43 pm
by Mikaela

Imagine what Im like with my human kids. :lol:

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 5:12 pm
by Jade

Don't get me wrong, I think cats are kinda cute but the problem over here is that people are irresponsible. They let their cats roam at night or dump them in the bush, and they kill all the wildlife and if they get into your aviaries, all your birds too. I believe that if peoplearen't going to look after their cat, and it comes on my property, then its fair game because its either the dog gets the cat or the cat gets my birds.

I am a vicious mummy who loves my little birdies and just like you, I'll do anything to protect my little guys. Hell hath no fury like a woman (especially a mummy) scorned.

By the way, have tried the orange peels but unfortunately my dogs have taken a liking to the taste of the peels and keep eating them!!

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 4:59 pm
by Mikaela
Ahhh now the PM makes sense haha.

I understand how you feel about cats Jade. I feel the same about humans. :D

*gives Jade a big hug*

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 12:00 am
by Jade

Sorry, never thought to mention what I was PMing you in relation to :oops: Sometimes I forget not everyone is on the same page as me! :roll:

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 9:57 am
by Melika
Cats shouldn't be allowed outdoors here either. I mean, we care for our dogs so we fence them in. We care for our birds so we cage them.

But we don't care for our cats enough to keep them inside and off the roads and away from predators and neighbor's dogs? And possible rabies carrying prey types cats like to attack? My father's cat when he was young was killed by a rattlesnake (they named the cat, a siamese, Riki Tiki Tavy because it killed snakes like a mongoose). But an indoor cat won't get killed by any of those things.

And why can't people make indoor life more enjoyable for their cats? They get them ONE stand and a litter box and one of those toys that hangs on the doorknob and expect an active creature to be content. :x

THAT's my issues with cat owners in america, lol. The condensed version.

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 5:47 am
by Mikaela

My cat isnt allowed outside either. This is why we were perplexed by how she became pregnant until we saw where a tom cat scratched through the screen on an open window to get to her.

They will go to any length to mate.