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Does anyone know where to find an albino near bris, qld

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:22 pm
by alyce
Hi all

My albino hen died after being attacked by a hawk ( 3rd attack, 2nd bird ive lost ), and I want to know if anyone on here knows a semi-local aviary ( semi-local meaning close to bris is great, qld is ok tho!) that might stock albinos. Has anyone heard of anyone selling? My local guy doesnt have any spares, which is a bugger :)

So yeah if anyone knows anyone else with albinos willing to sell... awesome! Dont care how young it is (just not aged and decrepit!).

Thanks all


Re: Does anyone know where to find an albino near bris, qld

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 10:55 pm
by dog_glenn123
I just checked on trading post and found the following.
I have 2 Indian ring neck parrots for sale, both are 6 months old, 1 Male Albino $100 and 1 Female Cinnamon Blue $100 in the process of taming! Unwanted present! Located in Maroochydore on the Sunshine Coast.

Its the add labelled as fresh.

Re: Does anyone know where to find an albino near bris, qld

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 10:53 pm
by alyce

Re: Does anyone know where to find an albino near bris, qld

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 11:04 pm
by dog_glenn123
I meant to ask how does a hawk get your ringneck. Is it a free range ringneck? :lol:

Re: Does anyone know where to find an albino near bris, qld

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 12:42 am
by pinkdevil
Those predatory birds are so quick and cunning.

I placed my indoor tiel girls in their large cocky cage outside for a bit of sun while doing the washing one day. Walked inside to get a load of washing to hang out and the birds went off and the girls were squarking. I raced outside and had to chase the bird off the girls cage. It was hanging on the side of the cage poking its beak inside and trying to attack them. Lots of feathers inside and out of the girls cage and 2 quivering girls trying their best to stay safe.
I am surprised the girls didn't die of fright.

To top things off, the cheeky bugger only flew to the clothes line which was only a few meters from where I had placed the girls and I had to chase him off that!!!!

Did you end up finding your albino ringies?? :)

Re: Does anyone know where to find an albino near bris, qld

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 1:32 am
by alyce
Our breeding flights are only closed in on the top halfway. Our ancient cockatoo would usually screech his lungs out when a hawk was near, but when we moved, he couldnt handle it and passed away within 2 months. So our birds were minus their high tech security system then and the hawk would just swoop down and rip at the wire. My handtamed blue cinnamon was playing silly buggers in his cage with his new girlfriend and was hanging upside down. All of a sudden feathers were flying and my baby was on the bottom of his cage. Got him out, his mate died later that day ( i think she was scared to death... literally) and found that half his face had been ripped off. Mum and dad cleaned him up, didnt take him to the vet cos honestly thought he was gunna die, and he survived. We thought he had lost an eye, but its still there and it works. Hes a bit scarred now,and his head is a bit flatter on one side, but the ladies seem to love it cos weve had some amazing babies in the 2 seasons since.

Once he got done, we covered over the top completely. Second attack - bird was ripped to shreds. So we modified the cages again and put an extra foot overhang on the roof. Nope- didnt work, hawk back again, another gorgeous baby gone. So now the poor buggers have to suffer the indignity of having plastic bags rustling near them. ( we also made a pretty mean scarehawk - a scarecrow for hawks lol - and it seems to be working ok!)

And no i havent gotten another albino yet, im looking into it more this weekend... i think i have to hurry up cos our birds are already starting to get cosy with one another lol


Re: Does anyone know where to find an albino near bris, qld

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 11:05 pm
by dog_glenn123
I cant beleive that the hawk goes threw the wire how big is it.
Maybe you need another hightech alarm. :mrgreen:

Its amazing how resiliant the males are i have had one for 7 years and tried to pair him every year and he just gets smashed all feather removed and a split down his chest and he just keeps bouncing back. He has a mate now took 12 months to find one, she is very casual and quite. The only time she gets upset is at dinner time, (appariently the foods all hers) :lol:

And i have had a female die in a thunder storm.

Good luck with finding your albino.