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Re: Billie2

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 12:10 pm
by sanjays mummi
I had a hozelock pump sprayer years ago from a diy store, I think a lot of the things from NP etc are over priced, I've ordered a jar of jelly pots from a company called "Tweeters" parrot supplies, and it was substantially cheaper than the others.
Sanjay isn't as close to the window with his new cage, but it doesn't seem to bother him, he certainly interacts with me more.
Thanks for the heads up on Parrots magazine, mine should be in the shop around the 21st.
It's a lot milder here at the moment, and the sun shone today, more like spring than winter :-bd

Re: Billie2

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 12:07 pm
by AJPeter
We had cloud and drizzle all day, no sun, our HA finally repaired the security light outside mine and Emma flats it was pitch black but as l never go out at night it did not bother me except my church asked to play the watch night service on New Year's eve.

Billie hates the cage where it is but it has not stopped her chomping cuttle fish bone but does not fly at me trying to bite my neck. She likes me to rotate the swivel chair while she sits on the back, every time she comes round l say "Give us a kiss darling" and she holds her head up for a kiss.

Baked potato veg and a beef burger for dinner, lovely, l might have that for my Christmas dinner. Shopping day tomorrow, will have to get extra because the Tuesday after Christmas is a bank holiday and no buses. Hope we get some decent films over Christmas.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 2:31 pm
by sanjays mummi
Well, I have a goose crown and a bottle of Tokay aside for the Solstice, also "Miss Saigon" DVD, and a nice thick paperback, just in case it's another "Sound of Music" type of fare on TV.
I gave my back copies of Parrot mag to an Asian lady who works in Wilko's, as her son has recently acquired an African Grey. She was ever so grateful.
Sanjay has been up to no good!, I noticed a couple of nibbles taken out of the wallpaper just above the picture rail this morning, as the paper is dark purple I bought a match pot of emulsion in the same shade and managed to disguise them with a few dabs.
I swear prices have been surreptitiously hiked, my shopping was dearer today, and it was just the usual stuff.
It was a nasty day weather wise, damp and steel grey, but I managed to get home ahead of the rain. I brought a cuttlebone back, so himself was quite happy to go back indoors as soon as I said "sorted", :-!

Re: Billie2

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2016 12:33 pm
by AJPeter
Yes they do put up the prices at Christmas, my bill is usually £60 but was £98 today, but l did buy extra because Christmas is longer this year and although l think the supermarket will be open on the bank holiday (Tuesday) I am fairly certain that the buses won't be working. I do not mind walking to the supermarket but l am not lugging a full shopping trolley all the way back on foot.

Now the cage is in its new position you can see the blueberry splatter on the walls, l told Gordon who came today that it was something l was going to keep. I have flock wall paper and Billie bites the flock off. :ymdevil: She likes me to partially crack Walnuts, almonds, and Brazils. She has gone off pears, figs, cranberries, papaya, carrot, and l have not tried anything new.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2016 1:09 pm
by sanjays mummi
Little miss fickle!, my wallpaper isn't flock, thank goodness, but it is vinyl and has "glitter" in the pattern. Blueberry juice wouldn't show!.
The back cover prevents a lot of mess, when he has passion fruit it catches the juice and seeds he shakes off his beak, stops it from getting on the wall, furniture and carpet,.(it always manages to miss the plastic mat!)
My daughter scared me with talk of a postal strike next week, my postie knew nothing about it, and according to t'internet it's just post office staff, and doesn't start until the 19th, by which time my parcels will have been posted. But I feel sorry for folk with PO accounts, after all, Monday is pension day. ^#(^

Re: Billie2

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 12:11 pm
by AJPeter
And of course those on benefits will feel the pinch. Billie manages to throw food well clear of the plastic mats surrounding her cage, But her poop hits them! Had visitors today, Billie was covered but she tweed she wanted to come out and she sat on the cage but suddenly she flew at them so l put her back in the cage but then l let her out and she sat on the arm of my chair, when it was time for the, to go she happily went back into her cage..

The Southern Railway strike could escalate and cause misery across the country for Xmas,

Re: Billie2

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 1:28 pm
by sanjays mummi
I fail to see how holding Joe public to ransom has ever helped a strike to succeed. These strikers should remember how easily they can be replaced, it's an employers dream, with so many people unemployed.
The post office strike hasn't featured on the news yet. There's No way Sanjay would approach visitors!, he hides from them, ;)

Re: Billie2

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 12:20 pm
by AJPeter
Like downstairs cat Maximus he runs away when l call his name. Its the parcels part of the post office that is going on strike, The London Docks called one too many strikes and now look what happened Containers, the same in ship building destroyed by strikers, l can for see a time when British Railway has no drivers or guards look at the Docklands railway, even signalmen will be out and that means with sat nav navigation train won't rely on copper cable that are constantly stolen. At least in the future trains will run on time with no cancellations. Unions destroy work place, coal mining.

Having said that l think management in this country stinks, RBS,

I moved Billie's cage back to its old place, because finally l gave the plastic tray a good scrub, she was ever so pleased.

Hobby horse giddy up.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 1:13 pm
by sanjays mummi
Maybe I should have posted my parcels today instead of tomorrow, ho hum.
Sanjays fruit jellies arrived today, banana, strawberry and mango, he has a banana one, and soon took a few nibbles.Weekends are when I tackle a good scrub, well, not a scrub exactly, a washdown with hot soapy water and the tray etc gets a good sort out, this cage, so far, doesn't seem to trap dirt as much as the old one, the coating is smoother, which makes it less easy for stuff to stick to it, and there are no deep crevices for it to get trapped in. Looking at the TV guide for the Christmas and new year period, there is nothing which excites me, Maigret, that was quite interesting last year, and Agatha Christie, but the films they're advertising look quite dire, sigh.
To think, I buy a licence to watch this drivel!, and only one channel. ^#(^

Re: Billie2

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 2:18 pm
by AJPeter
When you get to 75 you get free TV that is if they do not abolish it, so why worry, do what l do fall asleep watching drivel. I very nearly missed going to the party watching drivel and falling asleep. But it was not worth the £10, people we never see or not very often were the first in the queue! Much colder tonight. Good. Don't forget Parrots.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 2:47 pm
by sanjays mummi
I will call in the newsagents on Monday, but it usually comes in on a Wednesday.
Those people remind me of that poem "the church mouse", can't remember if Auden or Betjeman wrote it. ("and never come to church at all, except for harvest festival")
Our post office will be open on Monday, I checked when I posted my parcels this morning. Someone said I should just send gift tokens or money, what? To a Three and Five year old?, that wouldn't go down very Well!, my stepmother sent my daughter pajamas year after year, no play value in pj's,
Anyway, the shop had some reduced blackberries, and Sanjay demolished them before he even looked at the passion fruit, he hadn't had them for quite some time. I've a while to go before I qualify for a free TV licence, but I've found a website where I can watch films for free on my tablet :-!

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2016 1:09 pm
by AJPeter
My time is so limited, after cleaning Billie at 8.30 am which takes about 30 minutes, its watch TV news and take my pill Mebervine have to wait 30 to 60 minutes before l eat. Read the Bible and ask Billie if she wants a shower, it seems to be every other day then cook breakfast, then play the organ for about an hour, watch more TV, then have lunch am supposed to take another pill but usually forget, then its the News followed by a walk for an hour and write for about an hour on my tablet, followed by dinner and again l forget to take a pill then write emails and play computer games before bed a 9 pm!

I watched the Fellowship of the Ring and recorded it, l had the trilogy recorded last year but lost it when l upgraded to Tivoli, l did not watch the Hobbit as l have 1 & 2 recorded, still waiting for part three to be shown! Billie has gone off Blackberries and grapes, but she still likes pomegranate.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2016 1:46 pm
by sanjays mummi
Goodness! What a busy day you have!. The daily "do", when Sanjays cage gets a lick and a promise takes me about 30 minutes, weekend clean takes about an hour, I only take my prescription only pain killers when I need them, I have to be so careful, after the way medication affects my liver, I have been pain free for a few days, but my GP says it's just "remission", it doesn't mean the problem has completely cleared up. Personally, I think this mild spell has helped.
I never watch Tolkien, it doesn't appeal to me, but I love Harry Potter movies, the special effects are brilliant. Sanjay doesn't shower as frequently as Billie, it's usually once a week with him, :-\

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 12:46 pm
by AJPeter
"What's that funny smell? Oh its all right its only me!" We had a bad accident this afternoon, Billie likes to help cover her cage and she was sitting on top of the door when the blanket caught the door and shut it on her feet, the sqwarking and yelling that went on l thought she was dying, She came up and sat on the threshold, lifting one foot the and then the other and blowing on them, she let me stroke them and l kept saying l was sorry so she helped me cover the cage.

As soon as the sun comes round and shines in the bay window is her signal that it is bed time. And it was 10.30 this morning!!!! but I made her wait until l had got back form church, and watched TV in the afternoon she started to moan so l uncovered and that is not what she wanted however when l covered her again she kept quiet as l watched TV with head phones and the lights turned off.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 1:14 pm
by sanjays mummi
Poor Billie, we have to watch for toes and tails, my daughter accidentally slammed the car door on my finger once, oh the pain!, and I almost passed out.
Sanjay couldn't wait to get back indoors when he saw passion fruit!, it's a bit messy, but as long as he loves it, and it's good for him, who cares?.
When I was a child and we visited my Protestant grandparents in Ulster, church was mandatory, when we visited my stepfathers family, Catholic Mass was mandatory, what deception!,
Anyway, town will be packed tomorrow, with people panic buying, one parcel arrived safely yesterday, and the parcel force one is due to be delivered by Tuesday,
Sanjay absolutely loves the tubular bell daddi bought for him, he's been giving it some teddy! :-bd

Re: Billie2

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 12:18 pm
by AJPeter
Billie was giving her tubular bell and babble ball some welly this afternoon when l would not cover her on demand, and later this afternoon after an hour or two covered there was this wail coming from within, so l turned off all the lights and told her it was her fault for going to bed so early, however she seemed to be satisfied with the turn off. There were no more peeps.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 1:03 pm
by sanjays mummi
The second parcel arrived today, borne triumphantly by a very excited Jack, but he cannot open his pressies until Wednesday.
I bought lychees from Lidl, unsure as to whether Sanjay would like them, so I put wedges of kiwi, which he adores, on the same skewer, he tasted the lychee, thought about it, then went back for seconds thirds and fourths!, the kiwi had to wait.
When I got back he was sitting forlornly in the dark, the vibration from giving the bell a good seeing to, had made the UV bulb go off!, I've wedged a bit of blu tack between cage and light holder, to keep it steady. @-)

Re: Billie2

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 11:32 am
by AJPeter
We had a beautiful touching scene this morning, l had put my hand in her cage several times to take out bowls but on the last one my attention wandered and she bit me on the wrist. I told her she was a naughty bird and she came to the top of the cage and l scolded her again wagging my finger under her nose, then l got on with the cleaning of the cage and l felt something touch my arm and she was sitting on the door and looked up at me, as soon as she saw me looking she held her head up for a kiss, and l told her she was forgiven.

I went shopping this morning and bought some pears to see if she wanted to try them again and she did, also lychee. She likes to try and crack open the apricot stone but she cannot. Like a child in a pram she throws things out of her cage wanting me to thrown them back in again.

Prince George is already opening his, and I told Billie she will have to wait until Christmas day for hers, but she has gone off parrot sticks from Wilko just because l have a stack of them. She likes Banana, but only eats a little.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 1:15 pm
by sanjays mummi
Prince George would!, besides his mummy's side of the family are Jewish and probably celebrate Hanukkah. I take stones out of Sanjays fruit, toxic, and I wouldn't dare risk it.
My parrot magazine wasn't in on Monday, so I will pop in on Friday to collect it, these extra bank holidays are a pain, anyway, my goose crown is defrosting, and we shall be up first thing to welcome the sunrise, just think, from tomorrow the mornings and evenings get lighter! :))

Re: Billie2

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 12:33 pm
by AJPeter
I told Billie that from now on she will have to go to bed later, but she managed to last out until 2 pm and then partial cover until 3 pm so I was quite pleased with that. For the last three days she has refused a shower, but when l sat down to play the organ, she came down and started to splash me and the organ from her swimming pool which is shoulder high on the book case after l could take no more l suggested a shower and she was pleased to accept. She immediately went down the clothes horse and sat in the warm water her wings were under water. I used our new misting bottle and after a while she came up voluntarily wringing wet. But by then l did not want to play any more/

Re: Billie2

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 12:51 pm
by sanjays mummi
Spoilsport!, or should that be wet blanket?.
We had a lovely peaceful Solstice, and Sanjay enjoyed a piece or two of goose. The cooking instructions say an hour, but that's way too long, it ends up way too dry and chewy. People cook turkey for too long, they forget that most of the weight is in the bones.
I gave Sanjay a canary seed bar and he demolished it really quickly!, he hadn't had one for a while, he is still crazy about lychees, these are especially juicy. There was a little Wren in my garden this morning, hopping around the hellebores, it's not often I see a wren in the garden. :-bd

Re: Billie2

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 12:12 pm
by AJPeter
Yes l have not seen a wren for years, there is a Robin in hedge row behind us, also magpies they are worse than Emma always shouting. If it is not the local cats its the squirrels garden birds are in decline but not more than a mile away parakeets, Ringnecks and Alexandrine parrots feed in the garden. I often wonder how Billie would make out if she escaped, but judging from the local parrot population it cannot be very hard.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 12:29 pm
by sanjays mummi
I haven't seen or heard of any around here, mostly in the London area, we have herons and crows, jackdaws etc, but no parakeets.
Naughty Sanjay had another nibble at the wallpaper today, I must find something to deter him, he perches on the picture rail.
I was woken at half past midnight by a very loud bang, followed by another shortly after, then one of the Slobodans upstairs showed me a broken yale lock on the main door today, which I reported and has been repaired, someone, probably the immature numpty in flat 1, must have kicked the door open last night, either drunk, or had forgotten his keys. It was lovely and sunny and mild today, I managed to do quite a bit of tidying up in the garden, Sanjay got quite bereft, when I came back in, he was clinging to his cage door :-bd looking quite upset!, I'd forgotten to "call" to him, sigh. I apologised and gave him a fig, and then I was forgiven,

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2016 12:16 pm
by AJPeter
Billie has a special dance she does when her hormones are running high, she flies to my arm and when l start to scratch her head she butt my hand away and then sways from side to side she likes my hand to just touch her head and then she sways back and rubs her chest on my arm above the elbow and then back again, this happened twice today.

I feel confident that we are are not near the egg stage, she just nibbles the cuttle fish bone from time to time, and has not climbed down the outside of her cage for several days, she has been on the floor last week but she is not looking for a nest site. I was putting the fleece blankets behind the sofa out of site but she attacked me early this year, perhaps she perceived this as being an ideal nest site, so l moved them after folding l put them on a chair.

She does love helping me fold the blankets l take the ends and let her hold the middle as l fold, the trouble is she won't let go, then l have to bounce her up and down before she lets go! Yes they are funny about calls, Billie calls me when l am in the kitchen but if l call back she is happy but if l do not she lets off the Indian death rattle which means if you do not come now you are dead!

I tried to stop Billie biting cables and wall paper by spraying them with Anti-pek. Just be vigilant and say no firmly.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2016 2:59 pm
by sanjays mummi
"Oi!" Works better than "no", but today I cracked it by giving him an A4 sheet of sketch paper, he spent ages making a doily, I was tempted to present it as artwork, like those monkey paintings. Might be worth a bit.
Anyway, cage thoroughly cleaned, Sanjay suitably amused. It was rather comical to see him carrying it from place to place, I sent a photo to Jack and Isabel. I must tackle my carpets, whilst there is no chance of anyone turning up unexpectedly, today I was too jet lagged after shopping yesterday, and it's now a Saturday routine to give Sanjays cage a thorough clean, which includes washing his covers, I still don't use the Rainforest cage cover, what a waste of money, I might offer it to the Amazon Grey lady in Wilko. I will ask her what type of cage they have.
Parrot magazine is a bit boring this month, nothing much of interest, never mind, it sometimes contains little gems,
There's a guy next door called William, he talks in a falsetto voice and wears ladies jewellery, works for childrens services, even though he admits disliking kids, anyway, he's good for a gossip,. and is involved with the local church, I don't know what his duties are, but he told me he had to be at the church 7.30 in the morning tomorrow, how strange?, my Protestant grandfather was a church verger, and he never had to go at that time of the morning, I was too polite to ask. ^#(^

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2016 12:45 pm
by AJPeter
You'll never get anywhere unless you ask. You have to take the rough with the smooth, Parrots does have some interesting article some times. But it is not geared up for small parrots , maybe a change in mag is called for?

Billie has become very hormonal all of a sudden, she flew to the floor and tried to masturbate on my slipper so l lifted her back onto he cage, she has been sitting on the bottom of the cage looking very depressed, it could be the start of egg laying, so l am encouraging her to sleep more, cutting out sweet items and not giving so many cuddles, that first year of egg laying started in January then it moved to December and this year, 2016 back to January.

In her presents she got twin bars of parrot sticks (From Wilko) at first she threw them onto the floor of the cage but later demolished the Xmas wrapper, then the cellophane wrap followed by the bars! If William is a Roman Catholic they have mass very early in the morning, I shall be playing the watch night New Years eve, and the service at 11 am on Sunday. My church is a free church, United Reformed Church, you should have seen them before they were reformed!

Wishing you a Happy Christmas. :D

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2016 1:14 pm
by sanjays mummi
St Andrews is church of Scotland, not presbyterian which was my first thought. Parrots has had several articles on IRN's over the years, but some of the articles are not for laymen, too complicated by half. It was a mild sunny day here, so I shampooed my carpets this morning, when I looked around, Sanjay was bathing in his water container, he was soaking!, saved the use of the squirty bottle.
Well, that's another one done, Easter eggs in the shops next I daresay.
When we stayed with my stepfathers family, it was Midnight mass at the RC church, he was completely lapsed, it was to humour his old dad and siblings.
Hope you had a peaceful day, Sanjay had tinned lychees, they are Huge! And No Stones!, I just rinsed the syrup off. A lot less fiddly than the fresh ones. Today he made "snowflakes" with his paper, and quite a lot of "confetti", not the sugared almond type, mores the pity. ^#(^

Re: Billie2

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2016 10:45 am
by AJPeter
Billie's hormones are still high, trying to masturbate on anything, my slippers the carpet, my shoulder, but l put her back on the cage at each attempt. she sits in the cage crouched down in a corner. There is not much l can do to help her, I try and distract her. You can see she is frustrated, she picks things up and throws them. I thought when she flew to the floor she would look for a nest site oh no she made a bee line for my slippers and tried to feed them, she has not worked out how to regurgitate food, thank goodness. Then she fanned her tail and started to rub herself on the carpet, but l told her That is not allowed and put her back on the cage.

She opened her Christmas present and ate most of the twin bars over night, she got extra sprouts this morning.

I thought l would go shopping tomorrow but it is a bank holiday so there won't be many buses. Emma has been away for Christmas and it has been very quiet, l dread her coming back, but when she does l shall have to make the best of it.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2016 12:11 pm
by sanjays mummi
I noticed quite a few people with carrier bags today, so shops must have been busy, the buses were Sunday service, which means hourly..All that panic buying for nothing!,
Sanjay loves his new hobby, and leaves very interesting shaped holes in his paper, one looked like a Xmas tree!. Sorry to hear about Billie, its an absolute pain for both of you, I do hope this phase doesn't drag on for long, this time. I wonder if hens get less hormonal with age?.
Another lovely day, almost like spring, but I daresay we will get snow etc next month, spring itself can be quite wet and miserable. Are we the only "old guard" left on these forums? ^#(^

Re: Billie2

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 10:56 am
by AJPeter
From the quick tour of IRN it would appear the only person waving the flag is Sanjay's Mummi, what ever happened to the smart Alec's with their sharp criticism? At least the spam has gone/ I have altered my schedule leaving more time to browse and add my two penny worth. It amazes me that people ask for advice and then disappear.

Billie is a bit better today, she refused a shower, but came and splashed me from her roof top swimming pool, and she got quite wet in the process. She flew to the floor but was more interested in my slippers, she did not try to masturbate on them or me, but she still crouches on the bottom of the cage. I waited until she was covered before going out shopping, there were no apricots so bought plums. Asda had some Russet apples so bought some for a change. The place was packed but the tills were empty.

Billie wanted to come out for a breather when l got back but soon decided she wanted to be covered and made a dickens of a row as l tried to watch TV with headphones so in the end l gave up and cooked my dinner.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 11:57 am
by sanjays mummi
That sounds like an improvement!, and wanting her day to end earlier is good, isnt it?. Im not shopping until friday, there should be a few fruit and veg stalls too. Sanjay quite likes plums, he had a whale of a time with his doily making today, its very comical watching him carry and fly with his A4 sheet of paper. My wallpaper is totally ignored.
I feel sorry for any newcomers looking for advice, because we are just lay people, not breeders, and there are questions I cannot answer with certainty. There was a time when members here gave excellent advice.
Another hard frost forecast, but the beautiful sunny days and blue skies make it worthwhile. :-bd

Re: Billie2

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2016 10:56 am
by AJPeter
Maybe those members will return after the Christmas break, my advice is a bit off centre, but it worked for Billie and that is all we have is the experience of how to deal with problems that have occurred in our birds and have been successfully resolved.

Although saying that l am at my wits end with Billie, she flew to my shoulder as l played the organ, she knows l cannot see what she is doing when l am concentrating on the music, she has a quaint way of touching my neck and if l do not respond then grabs my collar spreads her tail and rubs herself on my shoulder, l arranged a mirror so l could see what she is doing but as soon as l look she stands with her hands behind her back and whistles as if she was not doing anything!

I had to put her back on the cage several time before l locked her in. After awhile she gave this little peep and l let her out but as soon as l started to play she flew back and tried to masturbate again. She is covered for 16 hours but she does not sleep all that time because the bottom of the cage is littered with bits of fruit, wood, cabbage leaf, vegs and anything else she can chew up. I shall put her nesting box in with the first egg she lays. This time it has not been so bad with her crouching and bleating with hormonal urges, And this time last year she started to lay, and the year before, if l can get her through January we might not get any eggs this time. :-bd

There was a Lychee nut broken open the first she has manage to open, I put little bits of cheese in her supper plate, along with some banana, orange segments, and apple, she eats most of that during the night. I do not want to give Billie Paper as she will think it is nest materiel, there was a roll of paper hanging up she has ignored it all year but the other day she pulled it all out and ripped it up. It is good to have the cold weather clears out all the bugs but l wonder how the fids who escaped manage?

Re: Billie2

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2016 11:32 am
by sanjays mummi
Where does the term "fids" come from?, just curious. I'm surprised Sanjay is still alive, he chewed through the UV light flex, exposing the copper wire etc today, when I brushed against it I got quite a tingle!, I've ordered another, but This time I will hide the flex behind the back curtain. I don't know why, after 7 years, my little minky just wants to chew, rip and shred anything he can get his beak on!, and as you rightly say, they know when we are distracted or have our backs turned.
Is it wise to give Billie a nesting box?, won't it just encourage her?,.
Sanjay is most dis chuffed, his alcove is dark, but I told him it's his own fault, and he is lucky to be alive. ^#(^

Re: Billie2

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2016 11:56 am
by sanjays mummi
Aha! According to google, "fids" is a contraction of "feathered kids", so now I know.
(curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back") :-bd

Re: Billie2

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2016 12:09 pm
by AJPeter
I think it is an Aussie word, I shall wait for the first egg before she gets the nesting box but as you say it would only encourage her, when she had it before and she became broody and sat in the box all day. I am quite interested in this candle idea of yours, l did not think you would know St Francis of Assisi no skin off my nose and it seemed to help the lady.
It just shows you that familiarity breeds contempt. I used to think Billie stayed on her cage when l was out until l found parrot pooh under the cushion on the settee. I used to fold up the blankets and put them behind the settee but she attacked me when l took them out. So now l fold them and put them on a dining room chair near her cage, in the morning she loves helping me fold the blanket by holding the middle while l fold the ends in/
The cable Billie bit was down to the copper wire, l wrapped it up in sellotape, it was to the UV lamp above her. I remember now.she tried to bite the TV cable but l sprayed it with anti-pek! I was a bit worried that the UV light was too close but l remedied that by moving her perch!

Well found, so it is all right to use Fids from now on?

Re: Billie2

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2016 1:44 pm
by sanjays mummi
As a Pagan, I practice Santeria from time to time, we may not be "Orthodox",but we accept there are many "powers" (not "gods" as such), and St Francis had an affinity with birds.
Anyway, I tried electrical tape, but it blew the sockets, so I had to remove it completely, and switch back on at the box. A new one definitely in order. We used to refer to our dogs as "furbabies" in dog circles, so fids isn't dissimilar.
Crafty Billie!, reminded me of a newspaper report where a burglar did the dirty during a robbery, and got caught by her DNA!.
Funnily enough, when I found Sanjay had escaped just after I got him, I found do do on top of a kitchen cabinet!. :-bd

Re: Billie2

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 11:52 am
by AJPeter
Not as bad as Billie, l got her in August 2013 with her old cage, and it was very hot the cage had lots of little doors and l accidentally left one door unlocked, but closed her up and opening the windows to allow a breeze to come in and l went out but when l came back I found Billie on top of the cage enjoying the breeze from the open window!

Mystery solved!

I do not like Google so use Bing for my search engine but they are useless nothing about Kids in Feathers, still it was good to know. Poor Billie she is still suffering from Hormones she still wants to masturbate on me, and insists on going to bed early. Also as soon as she has had a little nosh she wants me to hold her and she climbs down outside the cage and sits there waiting for me to lift her off and then she snuggles up under my hand. As long as she does not lay any eggs.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 12:32 pm
by sanjays mummi
Aww, bless!.
Ok, I ordered another lamp holder from parrot essentials yesterday, and was asked if I wanted next day delivery, I said no, because I had to go shopping today, lo and behold, the postie left a card, and I've had to ask for a re delivery, (Tuesday ), but talk about efficient, then thought I'd better order a new bulb in case the bulb blew, so I ordered that this morning.
Sanjay is not at all happy, his alcove is dark!, so I've had the ceiling chandelier on. I bought him a raffia toy from Wilko today to cheer him up, if I hadn't been wearing rubber soled slippers yesterday, I might not have been able to!. I bought him some big oranges today, and plums, he has really tucked into the orange.
I hate these bank holidays, they throw everything out of sync, and I lose track of the days. ^#(^

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2016 9:37 am
by AJPeter
My stupid pro 4 Surface laptop would not open the link on IRN, so l am using Vista in a hurry, l am playing the organ tonight for the watch night service and will have ot leave at 9.30, I thought l might get a couple of hours shut eye before then. I watched Ben Hur film it always makes me cry!

Bank holiday on Monday. Last night was hell here next door he had his audio turned up really very loud it is a sort of drum beat, Went onto 7 this morning but l managed to sleep through most of it. Thank goodness Emma was quiet.

Billie went to bed at her usual early time, but when l got back from my walk l let her out for ten minutes and gave her a small piece of a biscuit but she had great difficulty in swallowing it, had me worried, He hormones were lower today.


Re: Billie2

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2016 11:31 am
by sanjays mummi
I watched Hachi today, it makes me bawl every time!, but it actually happened in Japan in 1935, my dear friend had Shiba Inu's, and hers were just as loyal.
I am looking forward to seeing the 2016 remake of Ben Hur.
Anyway, good news, the postie Did deliver the lamp holder today And the "old" bulb still works!, the difference in Sanjay was remarkable, he cheered up immediately, I have hidden the flex behind the back cover so he can't see it or get to it.
Wishing you, and all our readers a very happy and prosperous 2017. :-bd

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2017 11:24 am
by AJPeter
Did Sanjay fly top the floor before to bite the cable? I thought the Charles Heston's Ben Hur was the tops a remake would not be half as good. It is good to have a spare bulb. I know the UV lamp keeps falling over it has three legs but is top heavy, so ordered a spare bulb. I had a tall standard lamp that belonged to Ant with a 300 watt bulb but it stopped working so l bought a new bulb and in the end ordered two they were not very expensive but that was not the problem the lamp had burnt though the holder and l could not get another, l had to throw the lamp out pity really as it was a Retro design.

Emma complained to me today that a Everton a neighbour who has an audio karaoke amplifier had a bunch of alcoholic friends round last Thursday and there was a terrible noise from midnight until 7 am. I slept through most of it but Emma said when she complained to the HA she was the only person toe make that complaint and she did not think it fair that l should complain about her noise but not Everton. I had to agree with her but said she was underneath my flat and Everton was next door but ;agree with her it was not fair and l would make a complaint against Everton on Tuesday. Considering the noise she put me through with her alcoholic friends all night it is a bit rich she should now suffer from another neighbour, That is rough justice!

Yes a happy Christmas to all IRN and Alex and their owners, and a safe 2017

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2017 1:19 pm
by sanjays mummi
No, Sanjay Never flies to the floor, ever. The lamp is not on a stand, it's attached to the top of his cage, he nibbled the flex through the bars at the back of his cage. Now the back cover hides it, problem solved.
I like remakes, the effects are superb, and from the trailer, the New Ben Hur looks just as good, if not better.
It's been a wet miserable day, very gloomy, so I am really pleased himself has his own personal sunshine back.
I am fortunate, the immature guy in flat 1 gets "lonely" so he's always out overnight, the Santa in flat 3 is never there, (he could be evicted for "abandonment" if he isn't careful), so there's only us chickens, and the two Slobodans upstairs, and they're quiet enough, in that they never play music or throw parties.
We had a few fireworks, I thought Sanjay would be scared, but he decided to have a sing song, bit like Londoners during the blitz! :-!

Re: Billie2

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 12:22 pm
by AJPeter
Billie enjoys the UV light but like Sanjay she bit into the cable because it was too close to the cage now l move her cage as far away as possible. They don't understand the dangers cables present Billie found the white plastic covered glass fibre TV cable and started to chew it. I covered it with filler and sprayed it with anti pek and now she has forgotten about it.

I only see Billie for a couple of hours in the morning, come 12 she is fussing wanting to be covered which l do in stages,
she gets the full cover by 3pm. All the time she does not lay eggs is the time to pander to her wanting longer hours covered. But never the less she is hormonal, wanting several cuddles, and neck scratches, but l won't allow her to rub herself on me.

Today has been better l went for a walk around the park this afternoon but it is a lot colder, keep warm.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 12:57 pm
by sanjays mummi
Today was glorious with sunshine, but chillikins, it's a joy to see the light returning in the evenings. Sanjay was quite whiffy today, so he had a rosewater and glycerin spray, and a blow dry, I didn't want him staying damp for long, it made a huge difference, his colours are gorgeous after a good misting.
I am very pleased for you, in that Billie isn't laying (yet), I expect you're waiting with baited breath and fingers crossed it doesn't happen this year. Sanjay has been semaphoring to be covered half an hour earlier, and I oblige, but come spring/summer it won't be so early, he needs the daylight and sunlight for vitamin D as much as I do. :-bd

Re: Billie2

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 11:38 am
by AJPeter
You cannot feed Vitamin D tablets to him so we rely on the UV light, Billie has been less amorous today still wanting a cuddly, two in fact. Shopping today so l bought Emma and Nathan some salt fish that l saw in Asda, Emma told me she had given her 13 year daughter £100 to buy a phone and now was broke but would be away for a couple of days, as she could not afford the heating and lighting. Emma lost custody of her son and daughter 10 years ago and was told if she wanted to get them back she would have to be off alcohol for a year, and they take a hair form her head and look under a microscope, for proof.

I think Nathan her companion will be there but he is very quiet. I bought some Kiwi fruit Billie did not care for it last time, and some more plums she devours them at night in fact in the mornings it looks as if a food processor has chopped everything up! I put little pieces of cheese in a bowl on the floor of her cage along with orange segments. She was asking to be covered at 1 pm and l did but l watched TV until 3.30 it was nice and warm in the LR but so cold in here 46 f. l put the heater on but it is only 52 now.

Billie no longer wants a shower in the bathroom, but if l play the organ she comes down and splashes me from her roof top pool. Yes l have my fingers and toes crossed , l anxious search the tray every morning and thank my lucky stars there is no egg. She has had no nesting material, no sweet food, hoping we wont have to go through another egg laying stint. I move the bowls around every day so she never knows where her seeds are.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 12:03 pm
by sanjays mummi
A hair strand test is for Drugs!, alcohol is usually a urine test.
I used to give my pregnant, lactating girl dogs Vit D plus Calcium tablets, to prevent hip dysplasia, and to the pups when I weaned them. But sunshine and fresh air helps too.
Sanjay wanted another shower today, so I obliged, he could do with a new spray bottle. The UV bulb from Scarletts was delivered, it looks longer than the other one, but the screw fitting looks the same diameter. Yes, it is definitely colder, I have an appointment tomorrow, so I have got my Aquascutum camel coat out, it's cashmere, and lovely and snug.
Billie is doing well, long may it last! :-bd

Re: Billie2

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 12:12 pm
by AJPeter
A sweet thing happened today, l have a large 2 foot square mirror behind the cage and l pushed her cage a bit close to the mirror, and Billie was standing on her cage with her beak on the mirror looking at her reflection but she was fast asleep! I crept about but had to go out when l came back she had one eye open. She wanted a lot of cuddles and became a pest when l started to play the organ with her attempt to masturbate on me, she starts by touching my ear lobe, l say NO! But she does not listen and grabs my collar as she waggles her bottom against my shoulder so l have to put her back on the cage. She waited until l got back from my walk before wanting to be covered.

Emma does smoke Cannabis when she can afford it, she claim it is for her rheumatism. I have got an out break of shingles, will go to the chemist tomorrow to see what he recommends. I have taken some Ibuprofen and an anti allergy tablet. Maybe l should smoke Cannabis! I gave up smoking tobacco 25 years ago.

I hope the UV bulb works. Thank you for your well wishes for Billie, she has not touched the cuttle fish bone for a week, she has given up climbing round the back of the cage and is not interested in the floor all good signs, that she is less hormonal. :-bd

Re: Billie2

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 2:42 pm
by sanjays mummi
Sanjay is actually self aware with a mirror, he doesn't think it's another bird. Anyway, Cannabis Does Not alleviate pain, that's just an excuse.
I had a very nice surprise today, Sanjay flew over and perched on my knee!, he sat there for ages too, didn't wuss out at all, I sat quiet and still, didn't want to put him off the idea.
Great news about Billie, and your firm but fair attitude seems to be helping, :-bd

Re: Billie2

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 12:00 pm
by AJPeter
Billie is getting better she no longer crouches on the floor of the cage bleating, but she still wants to masturbate on me all l allow is a cuddle she sways back and forth gently rubbing her chest on my sleeve in one direction and under my hand in the other direction.

That is really good news about Sanjay, now he will try sitting on your shoulder and you will be able to walk around without him flying off. I always think it is so cruel to have a small round mirror, like looking at humanity through a port hole, Billie does not feed her mirror image but she often sings to it.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 3:04 pm
by sanjays mummi
Sanjay likes my art noveau mirror, in fact, he's a bit of a magpie, as he likes my shiny brass effect light switches too. Today he perched on the chandelier leaning down towards me, I thought "any minute now", but he didn't land on me, I have pierced ears and dangly earrings, so I dread him perching on my shoulder to be honest.
It was a very pretty day, cold and sunny, a repairman came and rang my bell, but the repair had been done Weeks ago, the guy from flat 1 came out of his flat, and he looked dreadful, all the hallmarks of a heroin addict, I suspect he disappears off to a drugs den at weekends when he isn't here.
Still no sign of "Santa", his mail box is heaving with uncollected mail, if it gets any worse I will have no choice but to let the neighbourhood officer (HA) know, he might have died or gone into hospital whilst away.
If Billies attentions are easing off that is great news :-bd