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Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 12:53 pm
by sanjays mummi
Sanjay has a new pet carrier I won't say "cat box" because they carry other animals too, its a smaller one, more suited to his needs, I bought it from the charity shop, and tomorrow I will take the big unused one in to sell. He is starting to give body language signs that indicate he is very tempted to fly over, and perch on me, it will be interesting to see if he does. I doubt if you will stop Bilie from being broody but you might alleviate it a bit with your measures. Sanjay never gets like it, so I am still open minded about his actual gender, tbh, I don't care either way "love does not alter where it alteration finds".

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 1:16 pm
by AJPeter
I have just pushed the backspace button twice and wiped out my long reply what a shame!

When l uncovered Bille this morning she bleated and dived for the floor of the cage and sat still for 5 nnutes until the hormones subsided. It was then l realized that l must act so as l cleaned her cage I took out most of the hanging toys, moved the bowls around, did not put out any sweet fruit, no grapes
THe pomegranite now hangs on the other side. No corn.

Then l steamed cleaned the cage and surround, l offered to steam clean her feathers but she put that off for another day. It was then l noticed she stinks to high heaven so she had a big shower l even took the shower off its attacment and sprayed her under her wings, but she took a large dose of umbrage and flew to the curtain rail, after l put the shower back in its holder she retuned to the clothes horse.

She still stinks. Her vent is clean, she has bright eyes, l must weigh her soon. She joined me on the table for breakfast and scoffed cornflakes dripping with full cream milk. We had a bit of a fight over the last cornflake, she offered to climb in and retreive it so l gave it to her while l poured sugary milk into my coffee.

This afternoon she was sitting on a perch and bleated her signal for a hormonal attack to start but she sat it out and was okay, I made her do a lot of flying simple going to the door and waiting she hates me going out and will fly to my shoulder. We had dinner together, she sampled every thing including a spring onion and the retreated to her cage and wanted to go to bed l managed to get her to wait while l finished and then I covered her up.

Normally she scrabbles around on the bottom of the cage but tonight she was shacked out and went to sleep pronto.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 1:25 pm
by AJPeter
I saw a nice affordable small traveling cage on Scarlett's page but they are out of stock, if Sanjay goes into the box you will be able to take him out into the garden and sit in the sun. l have built up a nice tan on my arms since sitting put but now Billie chewing the box l do not want ot risk her breaking out and besides it is not good for her hormones.

Not sure l understand your love philosophy, but if Sanjay lays an egg you will know then, and if he does not well he could,

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 11:19 am
by AJPeter
What is that smell?
You smelt it you dealt it,
The smell is like my downstairs neighbour's salt fish. So l checked the stair well where her smells linger waiting to multiply so they can invade my flat, but no there was was none there, l checked 0utside nothing there, l sniffed Billie twice the first time she thought it was a joke the second time l nearly lost my nose! But she smelt all right.

I smelt the plastic carpet protector, that smelt like a plastic carpet protector should then l found the culprit. The plastic tray which l steamed cleaned has curled up and died, phew! Even Bilie is gagging on the smell, she was preening tonight and got a feather in the back of her throat, l thought she was dying especally bad as she has been really very good today.

I decided that today is the day l weigh her. I put the scales on the table and invited her to sit on them No Way! So l tried to towel her, after chasing her round the living room she was out of breath and so was I. Then she flew to the top of my head and l lifted her down to the table quickly switching on the scales before she changed her mind but she calmly walked up onto the scales and waited for them to calm down and she weighed 241 grams!

She has been at this weight for 6 months so l am very happy.

She sat on the table and shared my stew she only eats the corn. Then she wanted to be covered at 5.30 pm and that was our day/

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 3:01 pm
by sanjays mummi
What happened with the smelly tray?, Well, I took the big pet carrier in, and my boss was overjoyed, especially as she can ask a bit more than the smaller one I bought yesterday. I had mashed carrot and Swede with my dinner, and Sanjay enjoyed a taste or two very muchly. Our communal garden isn't really suitable for sitting in, but its a nice thought. Sanjay is definitely a "night parrot" he would take a very dim view of being covered before 8pm. If I uncover him early, I get a very baleful "wot??". So I usually wait until 8am, which I think is sensible, I don't want him waking the neighbours with his morning sing song.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 1:09 pm
by AJPeter
What's wrong with your nose?
I got it stuck between the bars on Billie's cage.
What were you doing?
Sniffing out that smell!

I took the cage off its stands and sniffed the plastic tray, good job l did because it smelt like a plastic tray should and l do not need to order a new one. But the smell was coming from her cage, so l went over it with a fine tooth comb, actually brush and some disinfectant and brushed every nook and cranny, cranny was not keen on being brushed but she certainly smelt better. Nook was tickled pink.

Billie looks like death warmed up when l uncover her in the morning at about 8.30 am, she perks up after her poop. I shout "Not one the cage!" But she has cloth ears. She demands to go to bed at 6.30 pm but l have cloth ears. This is the crunch some people can burn the midnight oil others can get up at the crack of dawn. But never the twain will meet.

I do not know why her cage should suddenly start to smell after l steamed clean it maybe the steam woke up the dirt and it started to smell in protest.

Billie got very etchy this afternoon, l thought she wanted the cat box but in the end she wanted a shower this has become a daily occurance. she does not get very wet and in case or bath shakes herself in a way that any shaker would be proud of but she is a very clean bird.

The last time l invited a swede to dinner was back before christmas, we had shepherd's pie tonight me on my side of the plate and Billie on her side.

My downstairs neighbour says she can hear Billie sqwarking, and me shouting at Billie. Tough! I can hear her at 3 am having sex with her boyfriend the pair make more noise than a pack of jackals on a stag night. I bang on the wall turn the volume up and make sure the earplugs are in, and then turn over and go back to sleep.

Once l lived in a flat at the top of the house off the Soho raod, and this cock pigeon would bring home a different hen every night, he would promise marriage if she would and the amount of billing and cooing was ghastly, his pad was just out side the reach of broom sitck held at arms length. I complained to the housing officer about the noise.
"You are only jealous." I was told

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 1:48 pm
by sanjays mummi
Its tomcats here, at night, but they can have me howling with laughter, one growling and t'other making a noise Exactly like "ooh no no no no", my neighbours aren't too bad, but one of the Croatian guys upstairs comes home from work at 11pm, and is heavy footed, it goes on for several hours. I can't use ear plugs, I wouldn't hear the alarm clock. Sanjay has resumed afternoon siestas, he stopped having them for quite a while, but I often catch him spying on me with one eye!, he is afraid of missing something. The guys upstairs are ***, and I often hear embarrassing sounds, I'm Definitely Not jealous!, I tell Sanjay to cover his ears.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 1:52 pm
by sanjays mummi
PS, the word the prudes have censored was an old fashioned word meaning happy, flamboyant or colourful, maybe I should have said "ginger beer", which isn't so polite.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 12:44 pm
by AJPeter
I have used that word too and had it blotted out.

Billie really loves eating with me, her table maners are not very good if she grabs too much she shakes her head and bits of food go everywhere. But otherwise she is a lady and does not try and climb into the bowl.

There is not much l can get past her, l was washing her cage with soapy water and there were too many suds so l went out to the kitchen to rinse the cloth and came back and she was sampling the suds!

It makes me laugh when she stands on the edge of her cage and cranes her neck to see what is going on out side in the court yard. If she is eating her seeds and hears a sound she drops everything and rushes up to her perch to see what made the sound. A right nosey parker!

She used to have cat naps but l have not seen her napping recently but when she did she ground her teeth the noise kept me awake! Tonight l was catching up on Ride London and looking at all the places l know so well, and the tail end was after she had gone to bed, l swear she was muttering under breath about the noisy keeper she has to put up with. I must tell Billie to cover heer ears.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 1:31 pm
by sanjays mummi
That made me laugh!, Sanjay tends to freeze if he sees or hears a strange noise outside the house,he emptied his bowl of its berries today, yet he still scouted around the bottom of the bowl, he looked really comical with his tail sticking up vertically, and his little britches. When I scrub his cage, he takes refuge on the chandelier, he Hates housework, but loves a clean palace.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 12:01 pm
by AJPeter
Those parrot sticks have a little yellow plastic thing inside and when Billie has picked the bones clean of her millet spray l use that liitle stick to hold the spray now when she has finished eating the millet instead of dropping it on the floor now it hangs waiting for her to have another nibble.

She enjoyed a shower today but did not get very wet, so l tried ot birng her in, everytime l headed for the door she flew back tot he clothes horse after the 2nd time l drew the shower curtain which thwarted her attempt to return.

M/S are ready to to upload updates it has taken them 30 minutes to down load them. Norton had a red flag so something is going on.

However Billie was ready for bed at 6 pm and she got covered even before she asked.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 12:12 pm
by sanjays mummi
If you go to Pets at Home, you can buy a millet holder Sanjay has always had one, they make it possible to forage for millet. My mother pegged millet up to the roof bars of her budgies cage with a clothes we shared fresh pineapple, Sanjay loves the juice.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 12:24 pm
by AJPeter
That is a no no for Billie, she is not into juice, l offered her some blackcurrant juice she dipped her tongue in and walked away/

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 12:18 am
by sanjays mummi
I thought Billie liked the juice of fresh oranges?

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 12:01 pm
by AJPeter
Oh yes she will sit and suck the juice out of a segment, it is the concentrated stuff out of bottles she is not keen on, today she has been asking very nicely for her cat box, just shrugs when l say no also l cut short her shower because she was not getting wet just sitting on the perch.

Got to keep thinking ahead, there are nesting spots she has found and the cat box is one of those, also l have to be wary of sexual advances, l know she is getting too much shoulder time, l try and limit it to not more than three rides a day, and no lap time. Last year it was hell because l did not nip in the bud her sexual advances. She was very hormonal last year and has exhibited some hormonal activity already. Which l stopped by changing her cage around, she took the hint. Just need to keep an eye on her.

That millet holder would would not last Bille more than ten seconds she is very destructive, she shredded my collar today luckily it was an old shirt, l bought an xxxlarge shirt from Asda the sleeves were made for a gorilla, but l shall let her destroy it, no need for washing!

She enjoyed the breakfast cereal, but was not so keen on the salad but l think she appreciated sitting on the table watching me eat my salad.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 12:48 pm
by sanjays mummi
Why pay ASDA prices for a shreddy shirt? Charity shops sell lovely ones, often brand new at a fraction of the cost. Today I found some lovely golden dates still on the vine, on the Asian stall, Sanjay loves them, hopefully they will ripen a bit more in his fruit bowl. I never give Sanjay concentrated juice, his juice comes direct from his fruit. I've discovered he likes nectarines too. I have crunchy nut cornflakes, and he has one or two to nibble, no milk, I am lactose intolerant and have Soya milk, I don't think its good for birds.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 11:34 am
by AJPeter
A little bit of what you fancy does you no harm, Billie eats cheese but in all l do not think she has much milk, at least it does her no harm. Her poop is okay, her breath does not smell, but it does worry me a bit she eats five or six cornflakes with some milk. Soon l shall be cooking porridge and she likes that made with milk. She does not like peach.

I thought she was having too many showers so this morning l avoided the issue, but she started to paddle in the new stainless steel dog bowl l brought so l took the hint and she had her shower and loved it turning upside down on the clothes horse, even going down a rung or two.

This afternoon she was telling me that the weather was ideal to go into the garden in the cat box but l know what her game is, she wants to re=affirm it as an ideal nesting site, so l kept saying NO until it sank in that we were not going out into the garden in the cat box.

Instead she sat on my shoulder as l played the organ and chewed the collar of my shirt.

I gave her some millet as a consoltation prize to take her mind off the cat box.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 12:12 pm
by sanjays mummi
Coo? You play the organ and chew your shirt collar at the same time?, lol!, that's what it sounded like. It was way too chillikins here today to venture out, I shall have to tomorrow, 1pm to 5pm shift at the RSPCA shop. Today I finally got round to shampooing my carpets, Sanjay sings to the hum of the vacuum and shampooer, he always has. A couple of cats were sizing up for a scrap, earlier, and Sanjay was fascinated, he stayed perfectly still, but listening quite attentively, I hope he didn't learn any naughty words!.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 2:20 pm
by AJPeter
Sanjay is quite a character. Billie has chickens when l switch on the vacumn cleaner, yes that should have been Billie chewed the collar of my shirt!

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 12:13 pm
by AJPeter
When there is a bang from down stairs Billie looks at me but l do not have the words to explain it is downstairs, so l shrug and she understands that.

I had dinner early tonight just to see what she would do, but she foxed me by asking to be covered up at the nornal time of 6 pm.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 12:56 pm
by sanjays mummi
Fresh Organic figs are back on the menu, courtesy of the WVS stall, Sanjay has decided to eat them again. He has adapted really well to my working day schedule. When I clean the palace first thing. He knows he will come out to play again in the evening. Mind you, even that is becoming more frequent, because he now Asks to come out to play. Its never for long as his tummy sends him indoors for supper.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 4:06 pm
by Donovan
Figs are easy here... they're growing everywhere.. I don't know about your side of the ocean though :P

too bad my birds refuse to eat them

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 11:31 am
by sanjays mummi
They do well here in the UK, but they are a horticultural tree rather than a "wild" one, we have some in our town centre, planted by the council, if I picked a few figs, Is probably get nicked for theft!.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 12:03 pm
by AJPeter
Along with Donovan's birds Billie does not like figs, so it is left to Joe soap to eat them, l hate throwing food away. Bille fell off her cage today l have no idea what happened suddenly she squealed and there was a flapping of wings and she turned onto the Heathrow flight path and legged it back here.

As a matter of course l changed her cage around today and she sulked, would not eat anything so l changed it back, she devours a pomergranite quarter every day, but hardly touches a quarter of Corn so Corn is off the menu.

We had stew and rice tonight but my bowl was so deep she could not get her neck over the rim so l off loaded some choice items onto a saucer. She thought this was a splendid idea and transfered most of it onto the table. She loves sharing my food.

I hope to remember this tuesday to buy some pellets from the pet shop, these will in be a bowl all day, at the moment she gets a fruit bowl and a veg bowl all day first thing in the morning but the fruit bowl looks tatty by mid afternoon, and she does not touch the veg bowl.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 2:03 pm
by sanjays mummi
Sanjay loves sweet corn, bitter melon, broccoli, sugar snap and garden peas, but refuses to eat carrot. His veggies are speared on a skewer and hung up, as are his peppers and fruit. The golden dates are pegged up on their vine, in a bowl he has half a small melon or a thick slice of papaya, on alternate days. After work today, I picked up some fish and chips for tea, he adores a piece of the crispy tail end, followed by a tiny chip, just the right size for him to hold and nibble.Sanjay will not eat pellets At All, but has a complementary bowl of seed mix, and a seed and honey bar, his "emergency" rations. The fresh foods Always take precedence though.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 12:30 pm
by AJPeter
Yes l like the idea of emergency rations, something to keep her going if l snuff it and a bowl of pellets might be the only edible thing left after a few days. Various people have my house keys but it could take a few days before peoplé realize that l am not around, Billie would be alright for water as she has her swmming pool and a water bottle, it was rather gratifying when l cleaned the bottle and hung it up with fresh water for her to have a long drink from it. She used to enjoy looking at the bubbles as they went up but that is old hat now. She has two sticks hanging up one she enjoys and she does not but l dare say that if she was in need it would get eaten.

Talking of ear plugs reminds me that Boots sell a wax muffle which deadens sudden noise, but my downstairs neighbours were very quiet last night and l slept well.

It was a lovely sunny afternoon and Billie wanted to remind me to take her out into the garden in the cat box, but l told her it was in fact quite chilly and after making a song and dance she put the idea on the back boiler. Billie nibbles Brocoli so l keep on adding it to her menu, she likes raw carrot. Tonight we had shepherds pie, on my side l add some mint jelly she is not keen on this so on her side she gets exrta corn.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 11:49 am
by AJPeter
I am watching carefully Billie's changing season, not wishing to make the same mistakes l made last year, well she has become more friendly wanting to sit on my shoulder and rip my shirt collar to smitherines. She was sitting on the cage looking into the mirror with today her head up which is a signal she wanted a neck rub so l told her to come down for one and she did, but l avoided the trap of letting her sit in my lap, just kept her on the back of my hand.

The good news is she wants to follow me around and flies after me this is good exercise. She likes a shower in my bathroom every two days or so when she cavorts on the clothes horse, but other wise she just sits there not getting wet. She calls for the cat box l think because it is dark in there, but l say no and she quickly turns her attention to something else.

I am cutting back on the fruit, well the amount of time it is in her cage is limited to mornings only. As the nights draw in so l hope top put her to bed at sun down but as that could be as early as 4 pm in the winter, l am just wondering whether she should have so much sleep time. (17 hours)

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 1:23 pm
by sanjays mummi
I read somewhere, parrots need 12 hrs sleep, so I wouldn't worry too much, she is able to eat and drink if she wakes up before you take the cover off. Someone wanted me to sponsor a dog with the "Dogs Trust" (formerly the NCDL) today, I told them I have a parrot to keep.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 3:52 am
by sanjays mummi
Sanjay thinks he's in Birdie heaven!, not only Prickly Pear fruit on the Asian market stall today, but I found a Ginormous "cat ball with bell" designed for Guinea Pigs in Wilko's, oh boy! Is he ever beating that one up and playing "footie", if he drops this one on my head, I shall certainly know about it!.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 1:25 pm
by AJPeter
You should have asked them to sponsor your parrot, Billie gave me my marching orders today. Gordon came we have not seen him for three months, as soon as he came in she stood on tip toe and gave him a royal fanfare, then as he was talking to me she flew to his shouder.

But she took the biscuit when she started to bite the zip on his jumper, we both told her off and then she bit him on the neck. I told Gordon it was a love bite and l took Billie on my hand to my shoulder. She bit my finger and bit me on the neck! She prefered to be with Gordon.

I put some pellets in what was her veggie bowl and she showed her disgust by scattering them all over my carpet. Later l gave her a millet spray and she was chomping through that when she had a hormonal attack and went to the bottom of the cage, but it passed quicklty and she was soon back to her old self. We had dinner together, but by the time she joined me there was not a lot left. Billie wanted to go to bed early at 5.30 pm so l covered her up and watched the news and then l watched a who dunnit and she was huffing and puffing under her covers, then l had a problem with the remote l could not switch off the tv. But got it sorted and left her to dream of a new life with Gordon.

Cold tonight 45 f in August! I expect snow next week. Sanjay's muumi could get a ringing in her ears.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 2:13 pm
by sanjays mummi
Billie has more in common with ***** cats than she'd care to know, we had a Blue Burmese who would leap onto visitors shoulders and scare them silly, and a pair of Siamese, mum and daughter, who could sniff out a cat hater from yards away, and as soon as that person sat down, they would leap gleefully into their lap, knead their thighs with their claws extended, and purr loudly. After that, owning a feisty ringneck is easy peasy. I'm awfully glad Sanjay isn't hormonal though, Is be a gibbering wreck!

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 2:16 pm
by sanjays mummi
Oh puleeze!, fussy spelt with an" P" instead of a F has now been banned!, is this board monitored by puritans?

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 2:30 pm
by AJPeter
Xussy is a rude word for female genitalia and should be banned, l wonder if they would allow:

Who killed cock Robin?
I did said the sparrow
with my bow and arrow

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 3:04 pm
by sanjays mummi
Ah, but wussy cat isn't a rude word!, .love is a four letter word, but they don't censor it.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 8:34 pm
by SkyeBerry
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

This is all too funny. Wussy cat wussy cat where have you been? I've been to London to visit the Queen.

It is good enough for the Queen, but not the Forum. :roll:

Hi Peter...received your message. Gordon would have been a one night stand. You are the keeper...quite literally , I guess.

Hi Sanjays two are very entertaining. I have been busy but sent AJPeter a Hallo PM last night. Sorry, but I have to fly. :wink: Will try and stop in now and then with a quick post. Should have more time near the end of September - beginning October.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 11:48 am
by AJPeter
Sanjay's muumi had ***** deleted by the admin and it made us laugh as to what is all alowed and what isn't.

Yesterday l decided to cut down on Billie's showers in the bath room as she may be more interested in humid conditions than a shower but today she started to paddle in her swimming pool which is her way of telling me she wants a shower and once the water came through she was upside down and got down to a very low rung l thought she was going in the bath. I added to the shower water by misting her and she was jolly wet when she agreed l could turn off the shower but it took a lot to get her off the clothes horse. I offered two half nelsons and a chinese burn and she finally consented to leave the bath room.

I have also discovered by moving her treats around such as the millet it lessens the hormone attacks she had none today. Also she approves of fruit in the morning and veg in the aftternoon, before she ignorred both bowls but today she dragged out both fruit and veg. I put some pear on her cage and she sat there eating most of it.

She does love her cornflakes dipped in milk, although sampled all my cereal it was the cornflakes she really wanted and when they were all gone so was she.

I bought this shirt from Asda at xmas last year XXXL why do think large people have long arms? Any l have gone off it and and let Billie chew the collar, l look a right rag a muffin in it now.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 12:19 pm
by sanjays mummi
Because a large persons girth takes up the slack.My grandson Jack loves bird feathers, he picks up even the grubbiest sparse ones, so when I present him with a nice clean pretty Sanjay feather, he is thrilled to bits, well, now there are no more for a year, he is greatly disappointed. Sanjay asked for a spray bottle shower today, but he stays upright.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 1:21 pm
by AJPeter
I have been wondering what to do with Billie's feathers she shed in the moult l shall keep the tail feathers but you are welcome to the others l could post them to you. I was thinking of arranging them into a pattern and taking a photo but that is too much trouble.

We have an age concern shop in Perry Barr it looks as if a bomb has hit the inside, sometimes they get a manager who tidies every up and it is a joy to go in. Gone are the days when you could find something decent now it is all junk/

Ant and I would go to Kingsheath there were eleven charity shops in the high street.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 2:26 pm
by sanjays mummi
You'd be amazed at how many people don't realise ours is a charity shop, they ask "do you have this in a size 12/blue?", because the shop is clean, bright, un cluttered, and all tops are colour Co ordinated, and our windows uncluttered, the "sally army" shop, however, a few doors down, is cluttered and smelly and a ringneck wouldn't be able to find her eggs in there!.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 11:09 pm
by SkyeBerry
Hi Peter - I was reading an article by Pamela Clark - it spoke of hormonal behaviour - I think she actually has an entire article about that so you may want to look it up - anyway, it said fat - ie) cheese, milk etc will increase hormonal behaviour and/or start it - also, to not feed too abundantly, heavier..hhmmhhmm...fat...birds are more likely to have problems. Also decrease carbs - white rice, white flour pasta, potatoes etc - brown rice is ok, as are sweet potatoes, feed more berries...Ok, I'll post the link to the article dealing with hormones - this one I have not read but maybe you will find it helpful: ... havior.pdf

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 11:55 am
by AJPeter
Thanks Mary l have read that and printed it out for future reference. Billie's hormonal attacks consist of a sudden squealing and a dive to the floor of the cage where she sits crouching with her tail up the side of the cage. I call these hormonal but they maybe connected to her heart. The vet found a murmur but it was never investigated the vet said it could be expensive. Last year she was very sexual, but l am, watching her carefully checking her poop. Billie has cornflakes dipped in milk, but has gone off cheese.

My friend Anthony used to drive all over the West Midlands looking for chairty shops, we found some nice gear in Brownhills, but did a lot charity shopping in Kings Heath. He hated motorways but knew all the lanes and byways.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 1:09 pm
by sanjays mummi
Poor Billie, have you googled for birdie symptoms?, my daughter had a Boxer years ago who, as a puppy kept "fainting", she had a dodgy ticker too, when she died aged 10 yrs old, it was Very sudden and very quick. According to her breeder, her mum died in exactly the same way just a year before .Anyway I have discovered why Sanjay adores prickly pear, they are bursting with seeds!,

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 9:52 pm
by SkyeBerry
The behaviour sounds hormonal to me. Many people and animals have heart murmurs, a lot do not even know it. Unless it is a very serious one - and you should probably ask the vet more about it next time you take Billie in - it likely will not be an issue. But of course, I am not a vet. I have a friend who has a hurt murmur so she takes antibiotics before going to the dentist and of course, more care is required is she needs an anesthetic but other than that it has not changed her life.

If you want to do some reading: ... treatments

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 9:03 am
by sanjays mummi
AJ, this edition of "Parrots" magazine has an excellent article on Alexandrines, And another article about sugars, often hidden ones, in their diet. You can't miss the mag, it has a gorgeous male Alex on the front cover.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 12:04 pm
by AJPeter
I am hoping that what she is exhibiting this year is a left over from her previous period, strangely l made a call from my phone and it beeped Billie reacted by diving to the bottom of the cage, l can see no cause for dashing off to the vets especially as his consultation fee is £75! Thanks for the link Mary.

I have just ordered Parrots Mag l hope they send Sept issue. I bought Billie some sweet paotato today it has pink flesh and she loved it, l also bought a whole Yam, the last one she turned har nose up at it so l hope she will try this one it is nice and ripe.

She used to be so careful where she pooped but now poops on my chair at will. Sorry Sanjay's muumi l do not hve google, l will try bing and let you lnow

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 12:23 pm
by sanjays mummi
Sanjay likes sweet potato, but I've never tried him on yam, he also likes butternut squash. Any search engine will do, as I'm interested to discover Why Billie does this!

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 12:35 pm
by AJPeter is my favourite and you can ask a vet online for free although they like a small reward, but l have checked out all the symptons she passed A1 and she looks to be healthy. It might be a left over from her traumnatic life before l got her. Billie's weight has been steady at 241 grams for 7 months now and she has not bitten me for weeks!

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 1:48 pm
by sanjays mummi
You must be doing something right, on all counts!, Sanjay has only bitten me once, four years ago just after I got him and had to towel him after he escaped from his nursery cage, and found himself in the kitchen. I never weigh him, I can see by his breast he is not overweight, besides I'd have to catch him first!, and he'd Never forgive me.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 12:43 pm
by AJPeter
Billie fluffs her feathers so she looks fatter than she is. It is not over weight that worries me if she falls ill she will pretend that everything is ok but her weight loss will show when l wiegh her. I think Sanjay rules the roost.

Billie was paddling in her swimming pool so l took her out to the bathroom for a shower even before l got the temperature right she was upside down on a lower rung of the clothes horse, and she really got wet l helped by spraying her with the misting bottle. She was quite content to come in after that.

I tried to fool her with low fat milk on her cornflakes but she spotted my attempt and came and ate my cereal with full fat milk! Tea time it was salad and she made a bee line for the cheese on my plate. She threw onto the table all the things that got in her way.

I was reading that birds with a respiratory (breathing) problem wag their tails. Billie holds her tail steady. All in all l think she is in good health. In the mornings forst thing she sits on top of the cage and poops. I shout "Not on the cage!" But one word from me and l hav eot use a paper towel.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 1:41 pm
by sanjays mummi
Sanjay Does Not "rule the roost", he is a free agent, that's why he isn't wing clipped, and not allowed near my food. Not that he ever approaches it. I much prefer an independent pet, everything is on his terms, and if he is affectionate toward me, it is a bonus. I discovered some fresh yellow passion fruit today, with little red seeds, much sweeter than the leathery over ripe ones, he loved them .Sometimes Sanjay gives his tail a waggle, not often, its usually after a shower.