30 days clean and pushing forward...

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30 days clean and pushing forward...

Post by Mikaela »

Hey Ya'll

Some of you know the plight I walked recently with an addiction issue. Well, I suppose I am at the point all people addicted, even if only physically to a substance does, depression.

It isnt bad, just a little lonely feeling, getting use to what life feels like without my medicine. Dealing with alot of pain but find ways everyday to get through it without taking a pill.

I just wanted ya'll to know I am at a milestone. My 30th day. I smeared my secret all over the board in hopes of helping someone else that might have been medically addicted or otherwise. That took alot of courage. All of you could have turned your back on me, treated me differently or thought less of me.

That didnt happen and I just want all of you to know I am 30 days clean, no urge to go back despite the pain, I love you all more than you could imagine... this has been a lonely time for me and a time where I spent many weeks sick. But this family always makes me feel better.

I love each and every one of you. I feel blessed to have such compassionate friends. I only wish ya'll werent virtual. But we do so much interacting and vid taking I dont feel like ya'll are abstract. I feel like I actually know ya'll. Is that a little wacky?

Anyway, I just called to say I love you.
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by kyria »

<burst into song>

I just called to say I love you
I just called to say how much I care
I just called to say I love you
and I mean it from the bottom of my heart

ooooh yeh!

:roll: sorry

We all Luv ya Mik !! what a wonderful courageous and amazing thing you are doing. Remember darling, you are never alone, you have a father and brother that are forever and always there to talk to you and watch over you. And I pray to them for you aswell.

Oh yeah and then there is your hubby, four kids, fids and us nutcases :wink:

Hatred stirs up strife, But love covers all sins. {Pro 10:12}
God Bless

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Post by birdman5000 »

my brother my sister and i are the only non-adicts in our entire family so we have had to deal with it a lot. out of me and my siblings my brother tried pot once and i beet the crap out of him. my mom used to be a meth head and her friend is drunk first thing in the mourning 24/7 and makes me afraid to drink sometimes. i avoid him at all costs. my uncle is adicted to oxycotin/norco but he still needs them for the pain he got in a motorcycle accident and shattered his pelvis into a jigsaw puzzle and instead of staying in bed he had the pieces plated together so he could finish school if he didnt have the pills he would be in constant pain and unable to move. on top of that he has gained a lot of wieght and is around 400 pounds wich gives him back problems and has broken 2 bones in his foot and still walks every day becaus he doesnt want to fall behind in school he has a brace to take some of the stress off of the broken bones but the brace causes cramps and muscle spasms if worn to long he is the only one i know who has a reason not to quit. and he is the only one who admits he has a problem he says once in a while hes resting he trys not taking them and the pain is barable so he thinks hes ok and doesnt need them but then he starts "jonsing for them" and as soon as he moves he is in agony and the pills take a while to kick in. anyways i have had a lot of people i know become and stop and become adicted i send my best wishes and congradulate you on your first month of sobriety and prey its the first of many many more less lonley months/yrs/decades :D :) :D :) :D :) :) :D :) :D :) :D :) :D :) :D
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Post by ~*Gwennie*~ »

wow! That's a great milestone. keep it up!!! I'm so proud of you!!!!!!
~the stubborn one~
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Post by Dani03 »

Congrats Mik! You know we would never ever turn our backs away from anyone on this board no matter what has happened. It was NOT your fault and these things happen. Doctors are always prescribing drugs not for how they can help us but for how much money they can rake in. It's true, I'm sorry but it's true.

Keep it up Mik and we're all so very proud of you


Dani and Prinny
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