Bluffing Phase... + Dancing question

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Bluffing Phase... + Dancing question

Post by ohfragyourself »

So, My baby ringneck is 3 months old and has been a total sweetie. I used to think it was female because of the cuddliness but now I'm thinking it's a male... Well first of all cause it looks like little black hairs are growing near the nostrils + A light ring is developing but i hear females get that too.. Uhm so yeah, I'll call Blakey a he for now. I don't have the heart to pull out a feather for a dna test :/ I'll wait til I can know naturally.

So, he was a total sweet heart. Not supposed to be handfed or tame at all when I got him, 11 weeks. I never really had a biting problem. From the start, It was scared of hands but eventually got used to me in as little as 3 days. I think he started taking food out of my hand on Day 4. It was very gradual yet so fast! I was so happy. :3 Still am! Day 5 were his first vocals.

He's now 3 months and a few days. I believe the bluffing phase has begun because before he wouldn't even try to bite me and now his eyes pin and he sticks out his beak to bite and swings his head viciously sometimes. although they're very soft bites.. THey don't even pinch. That's another problem, I don't think he knows his strenght. He can't eat his pellets. ): they're too hard. So we put them in a little water and soak them up but he just doesn't like them. I tried mixing them in with the seeds and introducing them, he does take them out of my hands but he lets go because he knows they're too hard.

So now he's been all excited and stuff... If I take him in the living room he insists on exploring, which I let him but it actually becomes annoying after a while because he wants nothing to do with me. if he decides he actually will stay on my shoulder, he goes out of his way to get on my head, which I'm guessing is a "badass teenager phase" since he's trying to dominate me. I don't let him though, I'm doing my best to set boundaries.

So overall, He's overly hyper / trying to be a bad ****, Bites and stuff. More agression.
My question is, how do I deal with this? I know it was said to ignore these things by many people but I'm wondering if there's any other advice? besides distracting the bird with a toy and so on.

Also: He does this weird dance. Started doing it today... He gets all tall and skinny and kind of moves his body backwards left and right with his wings out a little. His eyes don't pin. He did this when I put on a video of a bird on my monitor. xD I don't think this means anything though since he's only 3 months and not even near hormonally mature... But if it does mean something, is this some kind of mating dance? Does anybody know? He doesn't do this in front of the mirror.

I'd post a picture if I could but my post looks too "spammy" for a new user x__x'' Well I guess you could go on youtube and find my channel, Hoarpuncher . LOL ignore the offensive name please >.< I have a few videos of blakey on there ;DD.
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