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Post by PepperFetouh »

my two month old IRN is doing these very tiny and soft sneezing every once in a while, he dosnt have any wetness in his nose nor swollen eyes or anything his physical appearance is just fine im just worried a little about the sneezing :|
Pepper, hawk's mommy
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Re: sneezing?

Post by ellieelectrons »

I think a little sneezing is normal. It's probably ok. However, if you have an avian vet in your area it's a good idea to have yearly wellness checks for your bird. The first thing mine asks me is if they have been sneezing. Certainly any discharge around the nasal area is bad so it's good that your bird doesn't have that. The problem with birds is that if they are sick they try to cover it up any appearance of illness so by the time you notice they are sick it is often too late - which is why I advocate for wellness checks with an avian vet.

Best wishes.

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