My Bird Diary:

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Sixty Fiver
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My Bird Diary:

Post by Sixty Fiver »

I adopted my birds 3 months ago; Amore is a 9 year old female and Lucce is a 5 year old male and they have greatly enriched our lives since the moment they arrived.

They came from a good and loving home but my friend was moving and could not take them and when she asked if anyone could take her babies I said of course... I was was once owned by an African Grey and have always had a great love of birds.

Things were very good right from the start as Lucce is very gregarious, likes everyone he meets, and is more than happy to show off, gives loud kisses, and is very quick to come to you when you call.

All in all... a very wonderful bird.

Amore is a little more difficult to deal with as she is a little protective of her cage, will bite people she does not know, and can be very stubborn when she sets her mind to something like building nests in the closets.

She was also fully flighted until last week but over the past few months she has become more and more reclusive and depending more and more on Lucce for all her social needs and he is a very devoted mate. He preens her, shares his food, and cuddles her through the night.

She was extremely hard to catch as she is an acrobat and puts Lucce to shame in the flying department and once caught she would do her best to encourage you to let her go with that beak of hers.

So after I decided to have her wings clipped took her to the pet shop where I volunteer with the birds as clipping her wings would be a two person job.

So here is the amazing part.

Once the lady had her wings clipped her behaviour took a complete 180... she will fly down from the top of their cages but then runs to anyone that comes to pick her up including my youngest daughter, a person she never wanted to do anything with.

She waits for me to reach in and take her out of the cage (with no aggression), will perch up on my shoulder for long periods, and as we have been working on her stand I have been really amazed.

She would like to run up my arm but I block her with my hand and tell her to stay and expected a nip for my interference but her only response has been to try and push my hand away with the top of her beak.

Lucce has been progressing too in that he has learned how to say "Hey boy, come here" and calls my oldest daughter by her name which blew her away.

Neither has ever been petted or physically handled much so that will be the next challenge... Luccee has gotten as far as letting me rub his beak and Amore does not mind this either.

I also volunteer at our local pet shop and work with a small sized flock of birds and have been working with a trio of Conures, a baby Plum Headed Parakeet, a baby Cockatiel, and a wonderful Senegal named Toulouse.

Have been so pleased with the progress this other flock has been making in becoming more social and friendly and because Toulouse has bonded so closely to me have worked extra hard to make sure he has other humans in his world he likes.

I am going away for a month and know my birds will be okay as my housemate will take excellent care of them and their "mom" will be coming by regularly to spend time with them and they do have each other which I think makes a great difference in how happy an contented they are.
Sixty Fiver
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Re: My Bird Diary:

Post by Sixty Fiver »

It won't be much longer until I fly away and stopped by the shop this morning before it opened so I could have some quiet time with the babies and took the baby Cockatiel I have called "Sheila" out to see if she would enjoy a little misting as I have not seen her bathing.

She is moulting and the little feathers have been flyng everywhere and was so pleased when she stepped up and came out and then hopped on to the stick for a litttle misting which she seemed to love.

She spent the rest of the hour I had preening herself on my shoulder and when I left she was hanging out with the manager as she attended to the other birds.

Did spend a few minutes with our Pearly Conure who has taken to saying "hi" and discovered he was a she as her records show she was DNA tested... is Holmes a good name for a lady Conure ?

Holmes was very good in letting me open the cage, loves to come out and dance, and was also very good about not attacking me when I was closing the cage which can be a problem which is getting less and less although this lady does like to defend her cage.

She is getting better with scritches too and for a while I had the baby 'tiel and the "mean" but all too charming conure in hand and they seemed pretty cool with each other.

Manager assured me that while I was away that Toulouse would be getting lots of attention from the staff he likes as the regular bird guy is leaving and I will be away for a month and we are his favourite people but he has taken to one of the new staff.

It is a great shop where the staff really take good care of their birds... it is part of a alrger chain and the general manager told me it was one of the stores that sold the most birds and think this speaks well to the care and attention they recieve.

Last night the store was quite busy and there wasn;t a staff person who did not have a feathered companion with them and my daughter and I had the baby 'tiel and Toulouse out for the evening.

Judging by his reaction, Toulouse does not like the baby Cockatiel... I bet she looks strange to him while he does not seem to react as strongly to birds be probably sees as being similar like the baby Parakeet.
Sixty Fiver
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Re: My Bird Diary:

Post by Sixty Fiver »

Home after a month away... I really missed my crew and my own babies who were all very happy to see me when I got back.

My male IRN moulted while I was away and aside from a few head feathers that need to mature he is looking great... did not get along well with the Missus while I was away so my housemate made sure Lucce had escape options and he spent a lot of time on the day cage where she could not follow.

They are back to their loving selves now and Amore seems much happier now that I am back.

Things at the shop were good;

The cockatiel found a new home right off and there are a few new kids there... a yellow sided conure who is as sweet as honey and a red crowned Kakariki who is very friendly and already showing signs of wanting to have conversations.

Pumpkin the plum headed 'keet is moulting and looks to be a boy... does not seem to be oo affected my the moult and was happy to crawl up into my hoodie and spend the afternoon on and off my shoulder.

My favourite bird is Toulouse the Senegal and she and I really have a thing going on... she started calling to me the minute I walked in the store and there were not enough cuddles and scritches in the world to make her happy.

Was told she got a lot of attention while I was away but that she was not herself until I came back.

Spoke to the manager about taking her home... she is such a sweet baby... if you are me. She tolerates most people but won't allow anyone but me hold her upside down or rock her in my arms and she finds her way here all by herself.




I always forget my camera has video capability so shot a quick video too.
Sixty Fiver
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Re: My Bird Diary:

Post by Sixty Fiver »

I was told that next week a pair of Alexandrines are coming in to the shop... am looking forward to meeting these new kids and may have to grow another set of arms... :)
Sixty Fiver
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Re: My Bird Diary:

Post by Sixty Fiver »

Nice day at the pet store today... went in early and gave all the babies their baths and played with Toulouse and "Cletus"... a pineapple Conure who has come so far in the last few months and become the friendliest and most entertaining little fellow.

The conures (thee are three of them) really liked the bath and getting wrapped in a clean warm towel to rub themselves off and were reluctant to come back out... I flip them on their backs when they are in the towel so they get comfortable with being held upside down.

When I went back this afternoon Cletus was gone... a couple who had been coming in to see him regularly could not resist his charming nature and took him home.

Finished building a play stand for the birds so that we could work on stepping up and stepping down and to give me a place to set them if I happen to be playing with several birds at one time as socializing them to other birds is also really important.

Toulouse does not mind other birds and only gets upset if they try to climb up to my shoulder which is her perch.

On the home front Amore has settled down and has been very sweet... she seems to be happiest when all her people are home and has been coming and going to my hand eagerly and has only been a little defensive when she is protecting her cage which is only when I am outside it and not reaching in for her.
Sixty Fiver
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Re: My Bird Diary:

Post by Sixty Fiver »

Have started something new here with my feathered kids as neither was handled much (bodily) and neither really likes scritches but I am thinking that it is because they do not know what they are missing.


Bathing has been a free splashing affair with Amore preferring the big water bowl in the big cage and Lucce liking to bathe in the bathroom sink although his wingspan is such he really can't get a good soaking.

They love their baths and Amore loves to clean and preen herself and Lucce will come and bath whenever the sink is offered.

With the babies at the shop I am misting them and then wrapping them in a warm towel and even the nippiest babies seem to calm right down when they have been laid on their backs, covered lightly, and get coddled in my arms. After this they seem very accepting of more scritches even though they might be a little shy otherwise.

Also seems to help when I turn them over bare handed as they seem more comfortable with what is an un -natural position for most birds.

Lucce and Amore are taking to this very well and are not shying away from the towel when it comes and will actually climb up it and let me wrap them up.

Their previous experience with towels has been when things have needed to be done like wing and nail clipping but in the bath they do not shy away from the towel or panic.

They will stay like this for 10-15 minutes and we play a little peek a boo and I work on giving scritches to their head and neck and they have been very accepting of this... Lucce has followed up the bath and preening by giving me kisses on the chin.

Seems to be working to get them comfortable with being laid on their backs, they like the warmth, and they seem much calmer with more contact.

When Amore comes to me she always runs up my arm to my shoulder and if I try and stop her she will head butt me or try to go under my blocking hand but is also getting used to the fact that when you are climbing up you are going to get your back rubbed a little.

She has inflicted some nasty bites to people in the past when she has not gotten her way... I have been pretty lucky in this regard and the most she has done is give me a hard warning grab.

In other news... Lucce (5 yrs old) has picked up some new phrases and words.

He calls my oldest daughter by name and says, "hey boy come here" when I shake the treat box... he picked this up in no time at all.

Go figure.

I should note that I have no professional background in bird handling but a degree in (human) rehabilitation... always consider birds as being 5 year olds with wings and do not see them as pets but rather, companions who share all the emotions we do.

Toulouse was whispering something in my ear today when we were having our time together and has been making efforts to speak which is most pleasing... now I just have to figure out out what she is trying to say.

The manager said it sounded like "take me home with you".

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Re: My Bird Diary:

Post by ellieelectrons »

I presume working at a pet store means you have to sell your babies? How will you / they cope when that happens?

Sixty Fiver
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Re: My Bird Diary:

Post by Sixty Fiver »

I have to look at is as a way of making sure the babies are prepared to go to their new homes so that they will live long and happy lives... if I went to the shop this afternoon and found that Toulouse was gone I would be crushed.

One fellow came in the other night and said he wanted a conure so I started asking questions and discovered he had an aggressive terrier and that he and his wife we planning on having children and was very blunt when I told him that he was not in a place where he and his wife were ready to take on a feathered family member.

Then there was the young guy with the baby bulldog who also wanted the new Sun Conure... told him that the Conure could be a very expensive snack for an untrained and as yet un-socialized dog and that puppies will take up all your time and attention.

Right now I can't afford a third bird and do not know how a 3rd bird would cope with mine and figure all the time I have been spending with Toulouse is giving her the coping skills she will need and can see how much better she is reacting and dealing with new people and the staff.

I was missing Cletus the conure this morning... he was such a perky little guy and such a joyful little bird who loved everyone... which is what we want.

I can tell people about the birds and their personalities since I know them better than anyone and this also helps find good matches and find that too many people are looking for something to add to their decor and do not realize the commitment one has to make to keep a feathered companion.
Sixty Fiver
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Re: My Bird Diary:

Post by Sixty Fiver »

Every day I go in to the shop I give everyone a nice misting and some towel time which seems to be universally accepted as a good thing by all the babies and the new Sun Conure has been no exception.

He rejects attempts to be touched when he is perched on your hand but after he is wrapped up after his shower he is all about getting his head rubbed and seems to enjoy the scritches.

Stepped things up today after the bath as he is also a climber who likes the shoulder and when he was running up the front of my hoodie I would stop and hold him and cover his head with my free hand and with this he would just snuggle up and when my cupped hand was removed he was very receptive to head rubbing and scritches. As long as I was holding him against me (gently) he had no urge to go anywhere.

We also worked on some up and down where I would set him on the floor and take a few steps back and he would just run to me and when I picked him up would not let him step up right away and picked him up bodily and let him wiggle through my hands to perch.

After all this he was calm and cool enough that he allowed some open air scritches when he was perched and also liked when I put my arms around him where I'd place my sleeved arm across his back and give him a rub.

My female IRN responds the same way when she is picked up from the floor... she is averse to scritches when she is perched but when you are saving her from the floor she will allow you to hold her in your hands on the way up.

This gets them used to positive touching and think many birds come to use where the only reason anyone was grabbing them was for less pleasurable purposes so they develop a negative association with this.

As always, your mileage may vary with your own birds as they are all different.
Sixty Fiver
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Re: My Bird Diary:

Post by Sixty Fiver »

So many new babies at the shop now... had a Sun Conure and Kakaraki arrive 2 weeks ago and both are very sociable and gentle and starting to talk and they get lots of time to be out to explore and play with people.

Yesterday was a special day as we received a cinnamon cockatiel and 2 baby Alexandrines who have just been weaned... the take food readily from one's hand, are reasonably calm, and today they pigged out on the porridge I made fresh this morning.

They are such impressive birds and as babies they are probably twice the size of my Ringnecks.

They are hatch mates and although the staff had set up two cages I told them that they should be caged together as they are obviously bonded to each other and were sharing food during their feeding... The smaller one is bolder and was the first to explore the food dish after the hand feeding and once he/she checked it out the larger baby came to check things out.

They cry when they are separated from each other and are very snuggly with each other and this is something that will lower their stress from being moved and help them adjust more easily.

There was a little growling and a few gentle bites during playtime but they step up and calm down pretty quickly if they are together... having two baby Alexandrines snuggled up to you is pretty cool.

Instructed everyone that if they are handling them to keep them low as they are awkward and being dropped on the floor would not be good and to make sure they hold them if they are walking about to prevent them from startling and flying off.

Toulouse the Senegal is saying "hi baby" now and has greatly expanded her vocal range and has been making more efforts to talk... and has found another person she adores besides me (and as much as me) which is a good thing. She likes men much more than women for some reason and is still hostile towards them be they staff or strangers and there are quite a few people that stop by daily (men) who she takes scritches from.
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Re: My Bird Diary:

Post by ellieelectrons »

I love reading your updates. Thanks for sharing! Your love and passion for the birds in the pet store really comes through.

Sixty Fiver
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Re: My Bird Diary:

Post by Sixty Fiver »

Some new babies arrived yesterday... :)

Big, goofy, awkward, and sooooo adorable... I made them some special home made porridge and mixed a little dry kibble in when they decided the bowl was not going to attack them.

Started by hand feeding them the slightly sticky porridge from may hand then put some of that in the food bowl which they could not resist.


They have been hand raised and are stepping up, albeit a little reluctantly and although there were tow cages set up I insisted they stay together as they are hatch mates and seem very attached to one another.

They cry when they are separated and share their food with each other.


For now... they are un-named and the smaller of the two is the brave one and the most resistant to stepping up and gave me a good nip while the larger of the two is much more laid back until he/she is more than a few feet away from the brother / sister.

I can hold them in the cage with no problems and think that if they are going to come out and play they will come out together or not at all until they get to know people and adjust to a brand new world.
Last edited by Sixty Fiver on Thu Feb 09, 2012 5:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sixty Fiver
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Re: My Bird Diary:

Post by Sixty Fiver »

ellieelectrons wrote:I love reading your updates. Thanks for sharing! Your love and passion for the birds in the pet store really comes through.


Tonight I decoded to start a new page on my blog titled "For the Birds" so I could continue to update my adventures and help people get to know some of the little flock I work with.

For The Birds

Am really finding that Toulouse and Holmes (Pearl Conure) are my favourites and working with Holmes has been quite the experience but has also been so rewarding to see the "mean" little Conure become this loving and affectionate little bird she is.

She is also brilliant... she knows that unless the lock on her cage is removed that the door will not open and when she gets a little over zealous with her beak, I just ask her if she wants to go back in for a time out she calms right down.

She loves being swaddled and cuddled and now I can hold her in my open hand and she will lie there on her back and make kissy sounds.

I have measured our progress by how many good little bites she has given me but she has never bitten me hard enough to break my skin... because I work with my hands she probably finds them to be tougher than most.

She likes to play rough and much of her biting is in play and she is learning to ease up on that... she does not know her own strength.

Funny that one of the littlest birds at the shop packs the biggest punch while Toulouse, who is larger and has a much more impressive beak has never bitten me save for giving me Senegal love nibbles.

She also grabs my ear (gently) when she wants scritches or when I am talking to other people... figure she has been training me well.

Sixty Fiver
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Re: My Bird Diary:

Post by Sixty Fiver »

I almost forgot this...

Was talking to the Alexandrine babies and the Sun Conure is caged right above them... Crimson is a super friendly ball of colour and charm and demands attention constantly.

I looked up and he was at the bottom of his cage, he peeked up and said "Hiiiiii !"

You have to love a baby's first words and when I stood up to see him he went to his high perch and said "Hiiii " again and then looked amazed that this sound had come out of his little beak.

Someone else has been saying "pretty bird" when I have not been looking so I am not sure who is messing with me... :)
Sixty Fiver
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Re: My Bird Diary:

Post by Sixty Fiver »

Stopped by the pet store today to spend time with the baby birds and left looking at my beloved Talouse (I keep spelling her name wrong) and there was a little sign on her cage...

Sixty Fiver
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Re: My Bird Diary:

Post by Sixty Fiver »

Came home from the shop and am now preparing my second cage as when I go back to the shop tonight and wrap things up for the day will come home with Talouse.


Had been talking with the manager about buying her and what the price would be and there really was no question about whether or not she would come home with me.

Sixty Fiver
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Re: My Bird Diary:

Post by Sixty Fiver »

Busy night at the shop what with baby Alexandrines and a trio of Counures who all wanted some play time and then of course, at the end of the day took Talouse in put her in the bird carrier and brought her home.

She stepped out of the carrier as soon as I opened with a happy cluck cluck and climbed up to my shoulder so I took her for a tour, introduduced her to Lucce and Amore... Amore was stand offish while Lucce was singing and chirping and saying "Hi".

Now Talouse is checking out the new cage and investigating things... brought some of her favoourite toys from the shop and hung them and she has discovered she can be upside down in the new cage and has already found the food and water dishes.

Should be the easiest transition for her as her favourite person is right here and my desk is only five feet away from her... she does not seem stressed in the least but she is a brave little adventurer.

Biggest hurdle will be with her and the other kids but I think they will learn to share their space (with supervision).

Nice to have her home... I do love her so.

Now I have to go and cuddle the other kids because I love them too.
Last edited by Sixty Fiver on Fri Feb 10, 2012 1:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My Bird Diary:

Post by ellieelectrons »

I'm glad Talouse has finally gone home with you. I can't imagine a happier place for her to be :)

Sixty Fiver
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Re: My Bird Diary:

Post by Sixty Fiver »

ellieelectrons wrote:I'm glad Talouse has finally gone home with you. I can't imagine a happier place for her to be :)

Talouse is curled up in her cage sleeping like a baby although her birthday is March 2nd and she will then be one year old.

I will leave the light on just a little (it is dimmable) just in case she wakes up and forgets where she is.. but I think when she wakes up she will realize that she is now in her forever home.

There will be so much for her to see and do and learn... will be picking up the harness tomorrow so we can start that training as Sennies should have lots of social time and meet lots of nice people.
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Re: My Bird Diary:

Post by Sixty Fiver »


First look at the new house...


Stepping up and making happy Senegal sounds...


Her cage at the shop has no open top and she discovered she could go upside down... something she likes to do when we play... and she can also do swinging back flips off the swing and rope perch as her agility has really increased and think she does this to show off.


Almost ready for bed...


Now she has her beak tucked in between her shoulders (as Senegals do when they sleep) and hope she is having sweet dreams.
Sixty Fiver
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Re: My Bird Diary:

Post by Sixty Fiver »

Last night one of our customers came in and was telling us about the Pineapple Conure she had bought just before Christmas... it was her daughter and grand daughter that would come in to the shop every day and give him scritches... and they are only 3 and 4.

We normally don't let small children handle birds but with supervision saw that they were extremely good and gentle with Brock who just loved them and also worked over his neighbour Cletus on a near daily basis who also looked forward to them stopping every day before school.

He has bonded very closely with her daughter and the rest of the family, follows them everywhere and has to be where they are, and hear one of his favourite things is to spend time with this little girl and watch movies with her.

He has moulted out and she said his colours are unbelievably beautiful... said the little bird has made such a positive difference in their home as he brings so much joy and hear he is talking his head off.
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Re: My Bird Diary:

Post by Sixty Fiver »

Talouse is doing exceptionally well and is her happy, friendly self... think she appreciates the quiter house and the fact I am here more and that the other people are also pretty nice. :)

Nice morning at the shop... the smallest and feistiest baby Alexandrine started calling to me as soon as we opened up, came out on the stick, and then started begging for food. he is not as big on pellets as his big brother so I made up some porridge with some strained sweet potato which he happily took from the end of my finger and a spoon.

After that he was ready to dive into his dish where there was more warm porridge and some crunchy bits (and he(?) was eating it all) and then attacked his new toy (blocks and a bell).

The bigger baby is not as confident and is much calmer... he will step up on your hand and come out for some cuddling... they like to nestle in your arms.

Taken when they arrived... I am the fuzzy looking guy.


Like bookends...

Sixty Fiver
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Re: My Bird Diary:

Post by Sixty Fiver »

Talouse is settling in really well... today marks a week since she came home and she has accepted everyone and seems quite partial to my youngest daughter who spends more time with her than anyone except me.


She loves the morning sunshine and will just sit and bask...


Loves this guy more than anything... :)


She has been exploring more and more...


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Re: My Bird Diary:

Post by Sixty Fiver »

Dexter is a young Sun Conure that has been at the shop for three weeks and has been a joy since day one... he is affectionate, cuddly, and is all squawk and no bite.

In the last week he has started saying "Hiii", laughs when you tickle him, and today started saying "Thank You" after giving and getting kisses.



He is a star at the shop and he likes everyone.
Sixty Fiver
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Re: My Bird Diary:

Post by Sixty Fiver »

Update March 5th, 2012

Talouse turned 1 year old last Friday and she has been doing so well it is like she has always been here... no words yet but she has added some whistles that my Ringneck taught her.

Lucce and Amore are back in love but a little calmer... I think the new bird has had some effect on them and they are learning from each other as Lucce can imitate Talouse's calls so I get it in stereo.

Lots of stuff happening at the shop that I am not 100% with... Pumpkin got transferred to another store in the chain and know she will be stressed out to not see her people and I will pop by that store tomorrow to see how she is doing.

Our little Kakariki found a good home as did one of the baby Alexandrines... the remaining Alexandrine is stepping up and down, loves the beak rubs, and is quite scritchable and kissable.

With more rooms available the shop received 2 new Green Cheek Conures... they are younger and a little skittish but I'll give them a few weeks.

Holmes has been amazing... we have been working on some recall training and whether she is with someone else or on the training perch comes to me when I give a "chich chich" and call her name. She seems giddy to be flying and accepts scritches and even some petting after she lands... and she wants to do it again and again. It is like watching a baby take it's first steps and even though she could leave, she stays with me. If I set her on the floor she follows me like a puppy and has started flying up to my hand.

With her wings clipped she does not get oodles of lift and can maintain a fairly level flight for 15-20 feet and she is very agile and coordinated and has the hover down pat.

Holmes... she will be one year old next month and is so ready for a forever home.

She simply loves her daily misting and towel time... don't think I posted this pic yet.

Sixty Fiver
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Re: My Bird Diary:

Post by Sixty Fiver »

Almost forgot about Dexter (Crimson was a dumb name)...

Has added "whatchadoin?", and "yup", and "ta da!" as well as a whole bunch of mumbling to his vocabulary.

He says "yup" and laughs when he in involved in people's conversations... it is hilarious.

He starts screeching the moment he sees me come in knowing that it is play time and always greets me with his cute little "HI!" and a few kisses.

He is a little ball of fun who does not mind getting flipped and spun and he responds to this with a "ha ha ha ha " and usually a kiss and has started making water dripping sound when he wants a drink which is something else we have been working on. It beats him grabbing me really hard to let me know he needs a break.

We have to work on jumping as he is an agile little climber but will not hop a foot to come back and just frets and squawks until you retrieve him.

He is such an affectionate bird with such a gentle and fun loving dispositon... I forget how pretty he is as his personality outshines that.

Once we have had our play time I can put him back in his cage and he tends to be pretty quiet after that save for saying "HI" to me every time I pass or asks "whatachdoin ?" when I am working with other birds.

Guess it is time for my nightly rounds... am sure Holmes will want to work those wings a little more.
Sixty Fiver
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Re: My Bird Diary:

Post by Sixty Fiver »

Holmes flew 10 foot lengths until she was tired and refused to step up on the training perch which she did over and over again and then all she wanted were more scritches and cuddles than I have ever given her at one time. It was like watching a baby take it's first steps as she was really flying and not fluttering, she was going somewhere and that somewhere was to come back to me.

She was so happy and content with herself... she took one longer flight and one can see that her range is still limited although that probably has to do with strength and her recall from the perch was 100%. (She adores me).

One of the new Conures (GC Blue) came out tonight and he is a feisty little guy... had to entice him with his food dish and once he cleared his cage he was stepping up and chirping quite happily. He is such a beautiful bird and he enjoyed a light misting and liked a warm towel wrap. He also seems to like the ladies... (with the manager).


He is just over a year old and was also showing off for Holmes when we were working close to him but she was not impressed... but she gave me a kiss on the chin.


I will need a high speed camera to catch her in flight... to my digital she was just a blur.
Sixty Fiver
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Re: My Bird Diary:

Post by Sixty Fiver »

It has been bittersweet of late and guess this speaks to me doing my job rather well...

Dexter went to a new home with a nice family with middle aged children and think he will be in absolute heaven with all the attention he will be getting... the shop is much quieter without him there.

My sweet little girl Holmes also found a wonderful home and was picked up by a couple that had already bought her neighbour a few months back... they brought Cletus back in to the store and when he was reunited with Holmes they cuddled and preened each other like nobodies business (who woulda thunk it).

Will really miss my bitey little girl and had been working hard with recall training so that she would not have to be subjected to another wing clip and had let her free fly in the open store with no worries... she would come back to me on command and either land on my hand or at my feet so I could pick her up. :) She is so beautiful in flight and one could tell she was very pleased with this.

Was really hoping that she would find the best of homes and could not be happier as her owners are very nice and she has a new old best friend in Cletus who is a Pineapple Conure with a wonderful disposition and is about the same age (1 year).

We have a bunch of new birds at the store now... a baby Quaker and I are getting along famously and although he is a little reluctant to step out of his cage he is all about cuddles and scritches.

There is another GC who has come in and "Dmitri" is what every GC should be... he's sweet and affectionate and loves being with people and has no bite and do not expect him to stay long.

Our baby Alexandrine is coming along nicely and at 5 months old he is stepping up and down, loves beak rubs and some gentle scritching, and has really taken to one of the female staff members and expect that very soon, he will be talking as he is almost there. For such a big bird he is remarkably gentle and hear that his brother / sister (at another store) is also the same way which speaks to good raising and a lot of one on one time.

People have said our shop has the nicest birds in that they are so friendly and like people so much... I think that this is because so many people spend so much quality time with them and care for them deeply.
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Re: My Bird Diary:

Post by Sixty Fiver »

My kids are doing so very well.. with spring here Lucce and Amore have fallen back in love and are preening each other and he is strutting and showing off for her and she has been looking for nesting spots in the couch. :)

Lucce loves everyone he meets and is really liking his showers... he loses his little mind when I turn it on for him.

Talouse is simply wonderful and continues to be sweet and affectionate and with a new swing / perch she is really happy to be out nearly all day and seems to demand a little less affection as she has more things to do... like devour her beak blocks.

The birds met my wife and they all got along famously... as she lives in the US (for now) she had not met them and was worried about their reaction and did have a fear of birds but you would never know it.

They loved her.
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Re: My Bird Diary:

Post by ellieelectrons »

Thanks for the update. Glad to hear all is going well for you and your family (feathered and unfeathered).

Sixty Fiver
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Re: My Bird Diary:

Post by Sixty Fiver »

ellieelectrons wrote:Thanks for the update. Glad to hear all is going well for you and your family (feathered and unfeathered).

Sadly... the reason my wife was here over the past few weeks was because my mother passed away and she came up to be with us.

We are at peace with this as my mom was 83 and the day before she was admitted to hospital she had celebrated her birthday with family and friends and was as bright and active as ever and her friends said that she was bright and bubbly the next morning, telling them how much she had enjoyed the day before and showing off some of her gifts.

We will miss her forever but know that she was ready for this and she had made her intentions quite clear in that, when the time came, we were not to do anything heroic to prolong what had been a long and wonderful life. She gave much more to the people around her than she ever asked for herself and after retiring from nursing almost 20 years ago continued to volunteer at the hospital and liked nothing better than to be with family and friends.

Her body just decided that after 83 years it was time to quit and there was no prolonged suffering or debilitating illness and even while she was in the hospital she was very responsive and even cheerful to the end and passed away quietly with her family around her.
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Re: My Bird Diary:

Post by ellieelectrons »

I'm sorry for your loss and glad to hear of a life well lived. Take care. Thinking of you and your family.

Sixty Fiver
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Re: My Bird Diary:

Post by Sixty Fiver »

Nice day here where every day is pirate day... :)

Talouse is a morning bird and she gets her time out earlier and Lucce and Amore like to sleep a little later and play later so this works well... Talouse goes to bed at 8:30 at night right now and nothing wakes her up while Lucce likes to watch youtube videos while Amore will hang out on my shoulder.

Talouse made her longest flight today as her flight feathers are coming back in and she is getting stronger on the wing and came all the way from her cage to the couch on the living room which is 25 feet (and next to my desk) and stayed fairly level and then made a few short flights up and back to my hand. I thought she was going to make all the way to Lucce and Amore`s cage she was doing so well but think she knows the couch is our play area.

Working on her building confidence and desire to fly from her cage and perch to me when I call... this baby likes to be picked up.

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Re: My Bird Diary:

Post by dholari »

I chanced on your post today and read every single one line by line, i have an alexandrine (which i was assuming to be an IRN till now ) , with your knowledge can you please clear a few doubts
1. how do you know if its a male or female (dna test ruled out becos we dont have that facility in the place i live )
2. i read your post about marked difference in the bird after clipping , do you advise me to go about that ? i feel sad to see the fellow in the cage , i want him to be a part of my family but without flying becos that freaks my 8 yr old daughter and 40 yr old wifey :-)
if you suggest clipping ,do you suggest leaving first two outer feather and last 3-4 outer bottom feathers- he is 5 months now and fully grown and can fly easily (so that they can glide down - as per my knowledge from youtube videos - again we dont have avian vets aroudn to help me clip .. pls share your knowledge and thanks for your time
Sixty Fiver
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Re: My Bird Diary:

Post by Sixty Fiver »

dholari wrote:Hi,
I chanced on your post today and read every single one line by line, i have an alexandrine (which i was assuming to be an IRN till now ) , with your knowledge can you please clear a few doubts
1. how do you know if its a male or female (dna test ruled out becos we dont have that facility in the place i live )
2. i read your post about marked difference in the bird after clipping , do you advise me to go about that ? i feel sad to see the fellow in the cage , i want him to be a part of my family but without flying becos that freaks my 8 yr old daughter and 40 yr old wifey :-)
if you suggest clipping ,do you suggest leaving first two outer feather and last 3-4 outer bottom feathers- he is 5 months now and fully grown and can fly easily (so that they can glide down - as per my knowledge from youtube videos - again we dont have avian vets aroudn to help me clip .. pls share your knowledge and thanks for your time
Alexandrines are close cousins to Ringnecks and are also dimorphic in that the males and females look different in that the male develops a darker neck ring after several moultings and when they reach maturity. Male and female ringnecks act differently when they are courting with the female staying low and making clucking sounds while the males will strut and offer to share food. Ibelieve that Alexandrines behave in very much the same way and as the two species can interbreed and believe they have similar courting rituals.

If flying around only freaks out your wife and daughter this isn't a problem with your bird unless it is flying around and acting aggressively towards people... at 5 months I would not expect any undue aggression unless the bird was mistreated although a curious Alexandrine can still inflict a firm bite.

Our 6 month old Alex at the shop is a total sweetie and cuddler... he will step up and walk up to your shoulder and is very calm and gentle and loves to spend all his / her time with people.

As for clipping, would do this if recovery is an issue or if your bird flies and is also aggressive as you do not want a bird as big as an Alex landing one someone only to give them a bite.

They tend to be a little more gregarious than Ringnecks and you should strive to have your wife and daughter develop a good relationship with your bird so they are accepted into the flock.

My birds get a few hours of free time every day and pretty soon I will have to see how my Senegal and male Ringneck get along when they are both out and about... he is very gentle and with his kissing her and her happy clucks I think they will be fine and my Sennie has never acted aggressively toward any other birds but is curious.

Pretty soon she will be fully flighted and will want to explore and if she and Lucce can be out together that will be wonderful.

Amore (my female ringneck) is a little more protective of her spaces so will need to watch her reactions to Talouse... with the size difference she may just be a little intimidated and has done some bluffing when Talouse has been near her, albeit with a cage between them

Talouse is also a little leery of Amore and a little helthy respect between the ladies is probably a good thing.

Sixty Fiver
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Re: My Bird Diary:

Post by Sixty Fiver »

Our little shop is so quiet now as over the past 2-3 weeks nearly every bird has found a new home and I am missing those noisy babies... especially Holmes.

A couple had come in around Christmas and had taken Holme's neighbour home with them and returned a few weeks ago with Cletus in his carrier and they had decided to take Holmes as well. When Holmes saw her old neighbour they were beside themselves with joy and they were chirping happily and preening each other and know she has gone to a home where she will be very happy.

Dexter was taken home by a nice family and think he is going to enjoy the older children as he is an energetic ball of feathered fun and needed a home where he would be able to get lots of attention. It seemed like a good match.

Bond and Dimitri were our resident Conures and both went to new homes... Dimitri was also GC Conure and was an incredibly gentle little fellow and was everything a GC should be. These are great birds and it is said that they are the most gentle of birds that may only be rivalled by Cockatoos for the level of affection they have for people.

Of the larger birds we only have our baby Alex "Jacento" and an adorable pair of baby lovebirds that are fairly new arrivals. Have been working with them slowly and patiently as they are flighty little babies that are closely bonded to each other. You can handle them as a pair but when they are separated all they want to do is escape so they can find their BFF (best feathered friend).
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Re: My Bird Diary:

Post by Sixty Fiver »

Has been a while since I updated things...

Talouse and I have been working on harness training and I started with a small size Aviator harness which is one size too large but was good to get her used to putting it on and off. The good folks at Parrot University sent me an extra small which is a perfect fit and Talouse does not mind wearing the harness one bit.

Today we went for a walk in the neighbourhood and then stopped by the pet shop (just a few blocks away) to say "hi"... something she has been saying a lot of lately.


She took a few short flights when we stepped outside and then settled right down as we explored the yard and visited with our neighbour whom she let scritch her... think she knew he was a bird guy and has the sweetest little 'tiel named Frank whho is actually a she.

Frank has escaped a few times but does not travel far and returns on command... it is a dangerous neighbourhood for free flying birds of any kind as we have falcons nesting in the trees a few houses down.
Sixty Fiver
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Re: My Bird Diary:

Post by Sixty Fiver »

This morning Talouse seems to be working on some new words that are not yet clear enough to understand but I think she is trying to say "Thank You" which gets said a lot here when Lucce is busy giving everyone kisses... :)
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