PLease advise welcome

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PLease advise welcome

Post by Salt_Pepper »


I have recently taken on 2 x IRN one blue and one green. I have been told that one is male and one is female however im not sure as they are approx 2.5yrs old.

These are my first birds and ive had them for approx 5 days now... They both take food from my hand however thats as close as they let me get to them, they bite my finger if i offer it as a perch yet they are happy to take food from me...

I have had them out and tried to get them on a perch and offered treats as reards for doing so... the green one is brilliant and has picked it up in a couple of days, I make her get on the perch with the "step up" command and then i place a treat right near my thumb and she comes down then perch and takes it... all positive... however he is petrified of the perch and doesnt want any interaction with me at all...

Do you advise that i should seperate them to build a bond on an individual basis instead of them having each other. I have asked the previous owners if they had ever handled them and they said no! :S

Also how can i tell how old they are... do the rings on their feet give me any clue?

Please help


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