So pleased with Sullie's Progress!

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So pleased with Sullie's Progress!

Post by Sweetedge »

Hi all :)

Just had to post about Sullie. I posted in here a few weeks back not long after we got Sullie. He hadn't been hand tamed or hand reared at all and was scared stiff of hands and us! Everytime we would go near his cage he would just go crackers.

Since then everyday we have wheeled his cage into our home office and sat him between us. We have sat with him for hours talking to him (Think I have actually bored him to sleep some days!) hehe - we have had our meals with him and slowly he has started to come round! This week it's like we have a different little bird again! He's still a tad scared of hands, but he comes out now, flies around a bit and comes forward on the top of his cage to sit with us. He then flies down to his perch stand right next to us and sits with us and even when I stand, he doesn't fly off or look scared - I really can't begin to explain how much more relaxed he is this week!!!

The past few days he has had us giggling at him! He lands on his window sill watching the birdies and then runs up and down the sill getting so excited and ends up tripping over his little feet!!! haha I have bought him lots of new toys and stands, and put a new window perch for him so he can stand high in the window. To encourage him to have a look at his new window perch, I put a dried chilli on there. 5 minutes later I looked in on him and he had grabbed the chilli and was sat on his other stand eating it looking VERY pleased with himself!! hehe

We still have a way to go yet, but I really feel like he's starting to accept us into his flock now and it's a FAB feeling x

Sorry for babbling on, but I had to share how proud we are of him and how well he's doing and wanted to thank you all for your help, as we come on here everyday to get ideas and advice :)

Tracy & Sullie xxx
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Re: So pleased with Sullie's Progress!

Post by taywer321 »

Aww I am so happy for you. Indian Ringnecks are so amazing once they are worked with and given the attention and time they deserve! How old is he? It sounds like he is learning that you are his flock members and you're not so scary after all :) Haha! What you said about him running and tripping over his birdy feet! My baby does the same thing, running along the back of the sofa looking out the window and listening to the other birds outside. His feet seem so big for his body! It's so funny to watch him run with such excitment LOL
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Re: So pleased with Sullie's Progress!

Post by Lochie94 »

Just wondering about the progress of Sullie?
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Re: So pleased with Sullie's Progress!

Post by Sweetedge »

Hi there

Thanks ever so much for asking :)

Sullie is doing really well thanks :) He's still got a long way to go, but I know he'll get there.

He's currently sat in his cage next to me going mad jumping back and too because he can see a picture of an IRN on this website lol He keeps amazing me with how intelligent he is!!! He loves to watch videos with me of other IRN's and this morning whilst I have been working came right up to me on his perch and started making such cute little noises as if he was trying to talk to me :) wow I love him!!! xx hehe

We've been letting him out in his bedroom, and he keeps coming down onto his perch near us and will sit with us, but is still scared of hands. To be honest the person we got him off (A breeder who we found via the internet) I don't think had any respect for animals, so makes me wonder if he just used to grab him and scare him :( but we will get there eventually with lots of patience, love and apple LOL :)

Hope your birds are well xxx

Tracy & Sullie xxx
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Re: So pleased with Sullie's Progress!

Post by Sweetedge »

One very happy Mummy sitting here :)

Sullie has been doing really well. We have been trying to get him to be less afraid of hands - and now with the help of Archimedes, Anakin and a few other youtube stars, he will fly to our hands when he sees the videos playing on our phone. Its got to the point now that even if we are sitting in his bedroom and i'm just replying to a text or my husband is just playing with his phone he will now try and land on us which is such progress for him and we're very proud of him!

Anyway, today I have been sitting in his bedroom talking to him and I got a monkey nut out of his food (He LOVES these) but has never yet taken food off us. Well he walked up on his little stand and I held my hand out holding the nut, he kept on backing off so I just sat there with my hand out talking to him and eventually he walked up and grabbed the nut from my hand!!!! I nearly cried I was soooo happy and sooo proud of my little man!!!!!! and NO phone in sight!! :)

One VERY proud Mummy and Daddy sitting in the UK today!! :)

Tracy & Sullie xxx
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