pacing the cage

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pacing the cage

Post by Kellee30 »

Hi, we recently moved house twice to get some major repairs done. While living in a temp house one of irn escaped. It was completely my fault and I am so sad that this happened. i am left with my female irn who is quite tame. Since moving back into our property she has been pacing the cage from perch to perch. She is not feather plucking. She is eating as normal but her constant pacing is concerning me. Is it just because the last three months have been so chaotic? losing her mate (which she didn't really like to be honest!) then moving again. She is coming up to be 3 years old in April 2012. Could also just be the age? I am concerned for her. When she is out of the cage she is shrieking and generally has bad behaviour so I have to put her away which I don't like cooping her up all day long. However, when I have let her out to take a shower she is beautiful to me and her behaviour is great. could it purely be an attention thing due to the upset of losing frankie and moving? any suggestions are greatly appreciated. I am beginning to feel that she is not happy with us and I would hate this. Before I think about giving her to someone that has other irn I want to ensure I have tried everything. I don't want to give her away but if it means she will be happier then I would prefer she is happy and not upset in her home now.
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Re: pacing the cage

Post by Molossus2 »

Is it breeding season where you are? The hen is now of breeding age so it could be a hormonal thing.
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Re: pacing the cage

Post by ellieelectrons »

MY vet says pacing is a sign of boredom. The out of cage behaviors you describe remind me a bit of our janey. Some of it may be hormonal but I think you can improve it. Do you give your bird foraging opportunities? I found that foraging minimized janey's tendency to snatch and bite. there are a our,e of good foraging threads on this forum if you want more info.

Also, trick training & clicker training is good for birds who need more stimulation. You could also consider another mate.

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Re: pacing the cage

Post by Kellee30 »

hi both,
thank you so much for your advice. I am hoping it isn't boredom because she has loads to chew on. (she loves to chew). but I will find other things for her to forge in as you have suggested.
I am not sure if it mating season here, it is Autumn now fast approaching winter.
What I am doing though is whistling at her. She does copy me and this is calming her down a lot over the weekend. So when she is screaming at me, I ignore. But then she has figured out that if she whistles, she gets my attention and I really love doing this with her.

I will see how I go with this.
As for getting a mate for her, I am not sure I can replace Frankie that was lost :(
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