Introducing other birds

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Introducing other birds

Post by tlouiselle »

Skye is 5 months old now. About a month ago our conure Oscar passed away. Skye never loved him but he would sit outside with him, sing with him, and when you took one away they would call to eachother. Oscar was too busy for him. Oscar wanted to lean against him, preen him, and would sometimes play with his tail when they were out on the stand. After Oscar passed away Skye called for him all of the time. He stopped singing and he wouldn't go on the shower rail when he saw that Oscar was not there anymore. We knew we wanted another bird. We brought home a cockatoo from the rescue. Sadly, we had to take him back the following day due to our living situation. Skye saw him once and looked all over the house for him calling out for him. He is such a smart little guy. He shocks me daily :-)

After lots of research we decided that we wanted an eclectus. We brought home this sweet chubby 5 week old baby to hand raise. I will not let them together, but Sky likes to sit on his stand next to the baby's bin and watch him. Skye will go onto the ground to be near the baby because he can see through the bin. He was fluffing was head and being goofy or just sitting there to be near the baby. HOWEVER, if the baby turns to face him on the other side of the bin Skye pins his eyes, screams, and tried to snap at the bin. He almost throws a little screaming fit. This is very rare for him because he is VERY quiet except for his quiet chirps and singing...unless a stranger does not agree with him in his territory, still very rare. So sassy though. This is only when the baby is looking at him. He will eat right next to the bin with the baby right nextto him watching on the other side and he is fine. When the baby is sleeping Sky huddles next to him on the outside of the bin and grooms himself.

At times, when they are looking at one another Skye will also start his loud screams walk around but his eyes do not pin and he does not snap at the bin. The baby will talk back to him too.

Here are my questions:

1. Is this aggression?
2. I assume this is aggression at times but the other times when he is just being loud is he just communicating with the baby?
3. I will not allow them to be together for a long time. I will have cages near each other eventually when the baby is old enough so they can get used to each others company. Our whole lanai is one big bird gym and EVENTUALLY I would like them to co-exist and be happy.

Does anyone have any tips on how to make this as positive an experience for Skye? I am giving him his favorite treats on his dish with the baby in sight and giving him lots of attention and play. When he is a stinker and pinning his eyes, nipping, he sometimes turns on me (which we had made AMAZING progress with his bluffing), I put him on a time out to cool off for a minute. He behaves afterwards.

I just want to make sure I do everything I can to make this positive for him and the new baby.

OH I forgot to add something...Skye has always been clingy to me. When Oscar was around he would sit on his playgym that I set up every evening in the same room we are in. He would come over to me too but he would stay there too. After Oscar passed, Skye would not sit by himself ANYWHERE. He would not even sit next to me. He had to be ON me at all times. He would jump down and run over to me. He follows me from room to room. Now that the baby is here, Sky sits on his gym again. The bin is next to him so he has the baby near him. He does not jump own anymore to leave it. I have my evening life back LOL. Ohhh please help, he has me so confused :-)
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Re: Introducing other birds

Post by Melika »

I'll be honest, I have no idea.

But it does sound like you are already doing everything you can to make sure he'll accept the new little one. :)
I've been called 'birdbrained' before, but somehow I don't think this is what they meant. say:hah-nay
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