My 4 week old baby IRN is not feeding properly

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My 4 week old baby IRN is not feeding properly

Post by masif1 »

Hi, I was wondering if someone would help as I am new to owning a IRN.

I recently purchased a 4 week old Indian Ring Neck from an apparent breeder, the breeder provided food for Rolla (our name for the IRN) Egg Food, which I fed Rolla for a few days using a syringe (feeding via a syringe was difficult as the egg feed had whole seeds), however after visiting this site I read that it recommends Kaytee Exact Hand Feeding Formula so I purchased this on Wed 5th May and started to feed Rolla this.

However Rolla only consumes about 5ml of the feed normally then I have to force feed the rest another 10ml or so. And after the feed Rolla brings some of the feed up.

I thought the reason for this maybe because Rolla is getting used to the new food but it is now 2 days and Rolla is still doing this, whereas before with the egg food Rolla used to consume that with no problems, without bringing any food up.

I did notice that the egg food was very sweet whereas the Exact feed is not.

I am heating the food up the same way as I did the egg food ie. boiling water mixed in with the feed and the same consistency (the egg food was not as smooth as the Exact feed). I allow the feed to cool down then feed Rolla using the syringe (5ml) in the same way as i did the egg food.

Before the next feed the crop is empty and there is plenty of droppings, so the food is being digested.

Also do i need to feed Rolla water?

I have also noticed that Rolla is starting to nibble things like my finger and paper etc.

Look forward to some advise asap as I am getting concerned and feeding time is becoming a chore.


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Re: My 4 week old baby IRN is not feeding properly

Post by julie »

please dont force feed. The food needs to be the right temps or you will either give the bird crop burn or sour crop. By the sounds of the food the breeder gave you the bird has started weaning and is eating harder food. in the breeding section there is info on hand feeding.
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Re: My 4 week old baby IRN is not feeding properly

Post by masif1 »

Hi Moderator,

Thanks for your prompt reply.

How do I know if my IRN is ready to be weaned?

As it's started to nibble on things but when I have tried to offer it some fruit my IRN taste the fruit with it's tongue then moves it's head away?

I have also tried to give it some whole seeds (small) which it de-husks the seeds but then drops the seed out of its mouth.

We are still feeding it using a syringe and mixing the Xact formula with EMP egg food to make the food more coarse, however our IRN is becoming less interested in the food.

Please help as feeding time is becoming a chore!

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Re: My 4 week old baby IRN is not feeding properly

Post by julie »

Try putting things like fruit that is soft and some veggies that can be picked up and chewed on. The idea is they will start throwing it around and have a play with it before eventually getting to know they can actually eat it. keep up the hand feeding with just the formula but cut back on how much water you put in the formula, this will make it slightly thicker and reduce the amount of times you need to hand feed.
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Re: My 4 week old baby IRN is not feeding properly

Post by masif1 »

Hi Julie,

Thanks for the reply.

Rolla is now around 8 weeks old and is totally refusing to be hand fed.

We have placed some dried fruit and egg food at the bottom of the cage which Rolla does nibble on but doesn't actually eat.

We have tried feeding it by hand some fresh fruit which Rolla tastes but then moves away.

We still attempt to feed Rolla formula around 3 times a day.

She seems happy, she is fully feathered and can now fly, she will happily sit on the shoulder. She preens herself and sometimes rests on one foot while sleeping.

But I am concerned she is not getting enough food.

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Re: My 4 week old baby IRN is not feeding properly

Post by masif1 »

Hi All,

My Baby IRN is 4 months old now and she is totally weaned.

As advised we left cut fresh fruit and vegetables on the bottom of her cage and she started to nibble.

I have egg food in one of her bowls, water in the other and seeds in the third bowl, however she is not interested in the egg food or seeds.

We stopped hand feeding her three times a day and cut it down to twice a day for a week then once a day for a week.

We have totally stopped hand feeding her now.

We leave a small bowl of cooked rice at the bottom of her cage which she loves.

We also feed her fruit and vegetables of which she loves oranges, cherries and cabbage.

My concern is that she only seems to eat the rice and fruit and veg and she doesn't eat the egg food or seeds.

I have also brought organic pellets which I have tried but have not had a nibble.

Is a 80% cooked rice diet for a IRN at this age ok?

Look forward to a reply soon.


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