Extreme Weather Las Vegas Inside or Outside

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Extreme Weather Las Vegas Inside or Outside

Post by jeannette105 »

I have 4 ringneck, 2 breeding pair and 2 males. It is breeding season and they have a box attached to their cage. My question is, is it ok to move them outside during the day and back in at night? Will they be ok on the cool days? Will it intrupt their breeding? I am asking this because my husband is working nights right now and needs to sleep in the day. With breeding season they are making alot of noise. I love my birds, don't get me wrong. I want the best for them. I am just trying to make everyone happy. Please help.
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Re: Extreme Weather Las Vegas Inside or Outside

Post by ringneck »

I think it would be perfect! Just make sure to ensure the cage wiring is small enough so no critters or animals can get at your ringnecks--especially hawks! Also, be sure they are protected from drafts and direct sun light--use a few nice thick towels to shelter them.

If you plan to breed them then i don't think that will happen as moving the cage around will prevent the hen from jumping into breeding mode. If she does lay any eggs--she'll probably abandon them once the cage is moved!

Hope this helps!

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