I am a bad bird mom :(
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I am a bad bird mom :(
Well about 6:30 last night I went to call my mom to see if we where still going to the gym. My youngest daughter was tring to get Maya out of his cage I told her No and she left her alone. I did not notice the bottom door still open. My oldest went outside and left the door open. Maya ended up flying over my head and out the door. I tried for hours to find him with no luck. I looked in other peoples back yards. I called his name nothing. I saw him fly right over my nabors roof and he was gone. I can not belive that this is happening to me. I miss my little bird so much. I don't know what to do. I got very little sleep I can't eat. I feel like I am in a daze now.
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Oh baby... noooooo
No Bad mama, hun it happens.
Thats why I am SO pro-clip... just not worth it. Look, I live close to you. If you need help just walking the 'hood... I will help you. Or hanging flyers.
I know you are upset. I know you dont want to hear this but... if you dont get Maya back hun... she will most likely be Ok.
We live right here in sunny Florida and there are many wild parrot flocks everywhere.
Put her cage outside, like NOW with plenty of everything she loves.
Birds are to be clipped or these things DONT happen. But this IS NOT your fault. Youre human, you have things you have to deal with and things get out of control in an instant. Flash of green and your bird is gone.
Im so very sorry, please let me know if I can help you. Im right here in Chaval.
No Bad mama, hun it happens.
Thats why I am SO pro-clip... just not worth it. Look, I live close to you. If you need help just walking the 'hood... I will help you. Or hanging flyers.
I know you are upset. I know you dont want to hear this but... if you dont get Maya back hun... she will most likely be Ok.
We live right here in sunny Florida and there are many wild parrot flocks everywhere.
Put her cage outside, like NOW with plenty of everything she loves.
Birds are to be clipped or these things DONT happen. But this IS NOT your fault. Youre human, you have things you have to deal with and things get out of control in an instant. Flash of green and your bird is gone.
Im so very sorry, please let me know if I can help you. Im right here in Chaval.
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post fliers in all the local pet stores incase anyone comes in looking for a cage for a bird they found.
Also call the local vets.
And like Mik said put out her cage with treats so if she flies by she will recognize it and may land there.
And don't be too hard on yourself. Things happen. Can't undo anything now. Just do what you can to find her and hope for the best.
I know you miss her and we're crying along with you for your loss.
Also call the local vets.
And like Mik said put out her cage with treats so if she flies by she will recognize it and may land there.
And don't be too hard on yourself. Things happen. Can't undo anything now. Just do what you can to find her and hope for the best.
I know you miss her and we're crying along with you for your loss.

Rowdy Vos eclectus, Dolly Cockatiel
Nila Blue IRN, Priya Grey IRN, and Bigotes the cat

Rowdy Vos eclectus, Dolly Cockatiel
Nila Blue IRN, Priya Grey IRN, and Bigotes the cat

- Posts: 152
- Joined: Fri Apr 28, 2006 4:03 pm
- Location: Clearwater, FL
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His wings feathers where growing back in and once they did I was going to clip them. He only had 5 flight feathers on each side. I do have the cage out with food and water. I am makeing flyers to put on houses around and give to the vets. I will also do the pet shop too. Maya's toys he loved so much are in the cage. You don't think it was too cold for him outside last night do you? How will he find food? I worry so much. He was my best friend. We used to play the copy cat game he would say something I repete. I tried calling saying words I know he loved saying. I just feel so lost with out him.
Thank you for your kind words I needed that.
Thank you for your kind words I needed that.
clipping is fine but all y need to watch for is when they start to malt as thats when the feathers start to grow back my grey took of out the door one night and that was at 8pm at night i had my flash tourch and all the neighbours out looking for my grey i found her even though it was dark she was 4 houses down from where i lived in a old mans tree hiding in it was then i realized she had a malting growth where they were clipped had growen back so the next day i got them clipped again it,s good to get them clipped but just check every so offten to see if the wings are starting to re grow if the not thats fine if they are get them clippit straight away cause if ya dont they might get away again i was told this bye a man that works and clips at a bird shops and he clips my greys wings i hope ya mate comesback i now when my grey fly off out the door my heart pounded i thought i was never going to see her again but i found her and man i was so glad when i did it took me a hour all up to find her so it was 9pm at night my thoughts are with y they come so much apart of yr life they are apart of ya and when they fly of and dont come back it breaks ya heart my thoughts are with ya