cleaning the cage-help

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cleaning the cage-help

Post by savannahhorse »

Is there a safe way to clean the cage with natural stuff? Or is there something you can buy from somewhere like walmart to clean the cage that is safe. The nearst petco or petsmart is like 2-4 hours from me.....And I dont know of a place around where I live to buy cleaning stuff that is safe for them...
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Cage Cleaning

Post by Cindy »

Yes, there is a safe way to clean...For everyday poop and cage clean up use 50/50 White Vingear and hot water...It works wonders on perch, bars, tray and food dish...It is TOTALLY safe and doesn't need to rinsed! Once a month I put a couple of drops of APPLE Cider Vingear in the birds water dish. It keeps bacteria down and cleases the birds systems..For this you need to use Apple Cider vingear with the Mother in it..or with the floating stuff in it...This means its has not been boiled to remove nutrients. As for gereral cleaning around the house for flours, windows bathroom and kitchen couters use the regular vingear and water mix...In fact, I keep a spray bottle with the mix around all the time for spot removal of poop on cloths, furniture, cages...Works wonders and is totally safe...Just put vingear and parrots in a google search engine and you will come up with lots of uses.
Cindy M. and the Flock of 8
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Cage Cleaning

Post by Cindy »

Yes, there is a safe way to clean...For everyday poop and cage clean up use 50/50 White Vingear and hot water...It works wonders on perch, bars, tray and food dish...It is TOTALLY safe and doesn't need to rinsed! Once a month I put a couple of drops of APPLE Cider Vingear in the birds water dish. It keeps bacteria down and cleases the birds systems..For this you need to use Apple Cider vingear with the Mother in it..or with the floating stuff in it...This means its has not been boiled to remove nutrients. As for gereral cleaning around the house for flours, windows bathroom and kitchen couters use the regular vingear and water mix...In fact, I keep a spray bottle with the mix around all the time for spot removal of poop on cloths, furniture, cages...Works wonders and is totally safe...Just put vingear and parrots in a google search engine and you will come up with lots of uses.
Cindy M. and the Flock of 8
Posts: 2487
Joined: Thu Jun 23, 2005 8:36 pm

Post by Dani03 »

Yep...exactly what Cindy said...only I add a table spoon or so of baing soda to it...some reason that combo removes poop like nothing else will!

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