Bit of an update and a few questions about Mario

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Bit of an update and a few questions about Mario

Post by RE4P3R »

Hi Guys and Gals, lovers of Indian Ringnecks!
Its been quite some time since my last post, so i thought i might throw one up.

So, the last post i left, Mario turned out to be quite a bit ill, poor thing had the clap haha.
Well, as per the Vets advice, i dosed him with 2 different types of meds for about a week and it seemed to help him over come it.
but since then, the poor thing just wants to be anti social.

not so much the fact that he doesn't like humans any more, but more the fact that, he will just sit in is cage, in his spot, occasionally chirp, and not seem interested in any toys i leave in there for him, and when i take him out of the cage, the poor thing just wants to run back, climb up the fridge, and pop himself back in.
not to mention, over the last few days, hes been more quiet than usual, and ive noticed the tail bobbing is back.
as well as some noises while he breathes. - im hoping he isnt sick, but chances are the poor guy is again.
(Mind you, ive been crook for a good month or so, week and a bit off work, along with many other colleagues - nasty flu)

im just concerned that, he just doesn't want to be active and engaged, and more just wants to sit there. I think hes lonely.

So, i have plans to purchase a green male, young, maybe 2-4 months old
(All you breeders and owners out there near me, Seaford, VIC, Australia, 3198 - feel free to get in touch if you can hep with this, or know someone who can - it would really be appreciated)

so that at least then he has a play mate and someone to talk to during the day.
though Mario is older (4 years, full ring) - the VET did say that teaching him to talk and play is not really something that i could expect to happen because of his age. (But, that doesn't mean im going to stop trying, i always talk to him when im in the kitchen, always respond when he chirps, and admittedly, im an avid whistler, so he can always hear me wherever i am in the house)
im hoping that, in starting the training and taming process with another younger bird, who would be easier to teach these things, it may in fact rub off a bit on Mario, and who knows, he may pick up a few things.
Mind you, the reason i want a green boy is well, So i can have Mario and Luigi haha, but im not so keen on breeding just yet, even though Mario is a proven breeder, i think ill just get another boy.
then, when time comes, try for a yellow female, and name her Peach haha.
Yeah, im on the Mario bros theme here lol... we all reminisce to our childhoods.

but in saying that, he hasn't bitten me once since i curved that habit in the first couple of weeks, and now days, instead of trying to run away from my hand, he now understands that it is nothing to be afraid of, but rather something he can use to go places.. such as back up the fridge and to his cage haha.
nah, he is getting very used to climbing up my hand, and he is happy to kiss and lick my nose haha.

Well, i guess that's really about it, what do you guys think?
Anyone had any experience with this sort of thing? how do you think introducing a playmate will go?
Advice is always appreciated!

Signing off,

- RE4P3R
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Re: Bit of an update and a few questions about Mario

Post by MissK »

Hey, honestly, I think a trip back to the vet is the best idea. Also, would wait on a new bird until Mario is well and robust without doubt. If he is compromised and a new bird brings in any little organism (I would think unavoidable) that might not bother a robust Mario, a weakened Mario may get sick anew. Don't chance it.

Regarding teaching an older bird new tricks -- I can say that Rocky, much more mature than Mario, learned a good number of things at my house in his first year, more in the second year, and no sign of stopping. Mind, the tricks I am interested in are things like "learn how to negotiate all these different materials and terrains" and "learn how to eat these new foods" as well as a little bit of "fly over here and get this seed". He has never really embraced puzzle toys, but did use a few until the novelty wore off.

About talking, he did pick up one word from me ("What??") for sure, and possible "Perfect" and "Good Bird" as well. Since he came to me at ten years old, no telling what he already knew. We have established some great whistles between us. My impression is that with actual work he could learn more speech, but speech in parrots is not really my preference. OK, I lied. Maybe I might like him to say "Mama" once in a while........ :oops:

Would you be able to send us some photos of Mario in his cage and show also his toys and food and such? Also a shot of the cage placement in the room? Maybe we can pick out something you've missed.
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Re: Bit of an update and a few questions about Mario

Post by RE4P3R »

Hey MissK,
Thanks for the advice, always appreciated.
Its good to know that, even though the birds are older, that they can still pick up small things here and there, ive only had him for a couple of months, but as always, progress takes time :)

Below is few pics of his environment, as well as his feed. On occasion, when i cook up some dinner, ill usually put some inside his bowl, but, there isn't a lot he wants to get in on.

feed 2
feed 2
img_1410.jpg (82.86 KiB) Viewed 2382 times
couple of toy plastic balls - diddnt seem interested in them
couple of toy plastic balls - diddnt seem interested in them
img_1411.jpg (86.7 KiB) Viewed 2382 times
seed/pellet selection
seed/pellet selection
img_1409.jpg (84.62 KiB) Viewed 2382 times
img_1408.jpg (63.93 KiB) Viewed 2382 times
couple of toys
couple of toys
img_1407.jpg (78.76 KiB) Viewed 2382 times
cage internal
cage internal
img_1406.jpg (77.37 KiB) Viewed 2382 times
heat lamp for when its cold
heat lamp for when its cold
position - up high ontop of the fridge
position - up high ontop of the fridge
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Re: Bit of an update and a few questions about Mario

Post by InTheAir »

Definitely find a new spot for the cage! The fumes from cooking probably won't be doing him any favours either. The fumes Teflon non stick pans if they overheat can be fatal to birds in minutes.
Are you in Australia? There are quite a few native trees whose branches make wonderful perches.
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Re: Bit of an update and a few questions about Mario

Post by RE4P3R »

Ok, so I've followed your advice on moving the cage, my main concern was, well, I had nothing to sit the cage on to keep it up high away from our cats lol,
But I found a filing cabinet we had and well, I think it's a bit better now.
Sitting in the lounge, up high off the ground, and he can see most of the house from where he is.
New spot
New spot
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Re: Bit of an update and a few questions about Mario

Post by MissK »


1) Cage too small.
2) Does he turn his back on you like that often? I always interpret this action as "You should not be here. I'm turning around. I don't see you anymore. Good. You're not here." This could easily be inspired by a cage too small and less than 100% comfort level, but other things as well. Don't mean to say he doesn't love you. Mine does this when I have Crossed The Line keeping him up too late.
3) I'd like to see him with more toys he can hold in the foot as well as something that is very easy to destroy, like cardboard or paper. Can you give him a plastic poker chip or bottle cap, a small seashell with texture, some bird safe twigs with the bark still on, some cardboard hanging on a string, an almond in the shell (crack it for him)?
4) I'm hoping that file cabinet is near your desk or favourite chair or bed or something like that, where he can get more time close to you than just when you are cooking or hunting in the fridge.
5) That bag of bird seed mix in the front - mainly sunflower seeds? Just a treat, right? I can't tell what's in the other packages. If it's millet and millet and millet and a little something else thrown in, consider upgrading to a more expensive mix. Start hanging a leaf of dark green vegetable in the cage - not high over his head to scare him, maybe low on the side- I like kale the best, but some of mine will also enjoy collards. Give the leaf every day, fresh leaf. Even if it takes a month with no interest, keep offering it. Two months? Keep offering it. Leaves are cheap and you don't have to give a big one - a piece the size of a credit card will do at first. They say a parrot will need to see a new food for several weeks before taking that step. Of course, if you get a model thing going on, maybe could promote interest faster.

These are my initial ideas upon seeing photos. Sorry for the list format - I'm pressed in every direction. I'm only even still up 'cuz I'm soaking a new plant I just got that was parched at the store. Best wishes and keep us posted.
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Re: Bit of an update and a few questions about Mario

Post by RE4P3R »

Yeah I do know the cage is a bit small, it was originally the home of my cockatiel, and haven't picked up a bigger cage yet.
I'm looking at some of the 180+cm cages on wheels for big parrots on ebay, that way I can fit a second bird in the future.
He's never turned his back on me, the photo doesn't really do justice as he was jumping around, and is bad quality (100kb file size lol) but he is always interested to see me when ever I'm about. And is always happy to look out at passers by.

Defiantly like the idea of the poker chips and couple of bottle caps, and I'll see what else I can find, throw a cardboard toilet roll in there maybe?
And string up some paper stuff

Well the filing cabinet was in the study, but the study is never used, hence the moving it to the lounge.
I'd like to have him in the bedroom but, diddnt really sit well with the missus lol.
And the lounge sees the most people activity and is relatively central to the house.

Yeah, the big bag of sunflower seeds are what I use as treats and I mix a small handful in with his food as I know he loves them.
There's a 2 different brands of millet, 1 was more expensive than the other, he doesn't seem to be a big fan, I leave 1 in there at least once a week and occasionally he will peck at it.
And there's also a pack of pellets there (pink box)
I like the idea of picking up some of the kale/green leafs to hang in the cage.
And just replace I'd day by day lol.

I think that answers everything haha, trying to give the most info for ya.
But thank you for the responses :)
- RE4P3R
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Re: Bit of an update and a few questions about Mario

Post by sanjays mummi »

Hi, Fresh fruit is good too when you get a bigger cage you will be able to increase his fresh foods, and decrease his seedy/pelletised food.
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Re: Bit of an update and a few questions about Mario

Post by InTheAir »

I would really recommend replacing the dowel perches with natural wood. I mostly use bottlebrush, as we have a couple trees. My birds really like chewing on the bark. Here's some other safe woods ... _pets.html

I haven't ever heard anyone raving about the quality of supermarket brand bird seed, it might be worth checking out the range in a pet store. I feed roudybush pellets, on my avs recommendation, and it seems to be the only brand Sapphire likes.
Both birds really like a fresh veggy mix I have been making lately out of whatever is in season blended together. The last batch was heavy on beetroot, which they love but it makes for some funny coloured droppings!

Have you checked out gtmall for cages? I'm getting Sapphire a new cage from there. They aren't super high quality, but the have some decent priced cages with suitable bar spacing for a ringneck.
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Re: Bit of an update and a few questions about Mario

Post by MissK »

Definitely the cage belongs where the people are the most during the time he is awake. And the filing cabinet was pretty clever, vis a vis the cat. :lol:

Please take care in your expectation that you will once day get a new bird who shares the larger cage. It may work out that way but it may not.

People in your area may be able to point you to a better seed mix. Like the rest of us, I expect that Ringnecks may not feel their best when they are eating junkier food. I think Cockatiel or "small parrot" mix may be suitable, and some people even feed a mix for larger parrots. Steer clear of anything that is full of sunflower, safflower, and peanut, or primarily millet. Parrot will pick out his favourites regardless. I get our seed mixes online since i could not find anything i really liked at the pet store. You can eve check the natural food store for whole grains he might like.

I'm glad that pic of him with his back turned was not the norm. Figure out with the wife how big a cage you can get, where it should go, how to protect from the cat, and how things will play out if you eventually have a pair of that cage. I found that using multiples of a cage I like does a very good thing in terms of appearance in the house and streamlining the cage maintenance activities.
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Re: Bit of an update and a few questions about Mario

Post by SunniDai »

Is there any way you can put the cage close to a window? We have our daytime monstrosity set up by the front windows. Two things are great about this: they get the morning sun and we have set up the one window to lead directly out to their outdoor aviary.
I don't know how yours feels about the openness of a window, though?

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Re: Bit of an update and a few questions about Mario

Post by Donovan »

SunniDai wrote:
I don't know how yours feels about the openness of a window, though?
Double edged sword there. I have two birds, one is scared of things he sees outside, the other is excited by everything he sees outside.
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