Help Please

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Help Please

Post by Christiandez »

I have had a 5 month old Indian Ringneck for about 1 month and a half now and everytime I put my hand in its cage to feed it, it behaves very wild and gets as far away from my hand as possible. It also jumps from part of the cage to another part, and the one time I tried to grab the bird it behaved started screaming so I left it alone. Please help me with taming my bird I would love to be able to hold my bird and pet it and have it around the house. P.S. I do not know if the bird is male or female the bird breeder told me it was a boy and a man who has been breeding birds for while told me it was a female when I showed him a picture of it, so please help me with that.
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Re: Help Please

Post by InTheAir »

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Re: Help Please

Post by MissK »

Hi Christien,

You have a long way to go before you are able to hold your bird, and it may never like you to pet it. However, the bird is very smart, and it can learn a lot of things. It is very important to not upset the bird, not touch it before it's ready, not chase it, not scare it. Always be gentle around it. If the bird is frightened it will remember this for a long time and be cautious around you. I think the most important thing is to help the bird be comfortable enough to take food from your hand. Once you manage this, the rest will be easier. Follow the link provided in the previous post and you should be off to a good start.
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