Feet problems

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Feet problems

Post by Maryna »

Hi all, I am new to this page and also a new IR owner. Mylo was born 5 months ago in an incubator and I have hand reared him since he was 2 months old. She is my life! Yes, I say "she" because judging by the attitude I believe it's a she lol!

The same breeder that gave Mylo to me is also a friend of ours, and when he saw how tame Mylo was and that she is starting to talk already, said that he had another baby that could be homed as it "walked" out the nest. When we fetched Coco he didn't look good. I thought that it could be the shock of leaving the nest and cage, but the next morning it seemed as if he was busy dying. He refused to eat and lay on his chest without moving.

I now think that Coco was perhaps kicked out the nest and badly dehydrated when we got him. Both legs are deformed and he can't walk. (See pics) I am force feeding him - now day 5 since I got him. I love this little soldier and want to give him the best life possible, but it kills me to see how he wants to move around and can't. Is there anyone in this group that can give me some advice, or tell me whether Coco would be able to live a fulfilled life?

Much appreciated!
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Re: Feet problems

Post by MissK »

Best wishes on this. I know somebody will pop in with comment. How old, exactly, is this bird? They'll need to know that, and they may wish to know specifically what he is and isn't capable of.
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Re: Feet problems

Post by Tyeman »

if you hold a perch or something under his feet does he have the perching reflex if so i would keep working on this put sticks and stuf in his cage or whateva he is kept in and hold him up several times a day to kinda teach him how to perch if you know what i mean... But if its really bad ...looks like it might be he would prob s need splints... then again this would only work if his legs and feet arent over damaged... Im no expert though but if seen this before and those were the soloutions took allot off one on one time with the bird... Best of luck im sure someone one her can probs give you petter advice... either wya i would take him to the vet asap if possible
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Re: Feet problems

Post by Maryna »

Thanks all for the valuable input, much appreciated! The breeder was here today, and his take on this is that when Coco left the nest he needed feet to do so. He must have broken both feet and legs as the older birds "welcomed" him into the group after he left the nest. Coco is doing better each day, and starting to master perching on one foot. My next question is: can we splint both legs, and is it possible to do it ourselves?
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Re: Feet problems

Post by AJPeter »

Have you thought about taking Coco to a vet?

I would like to add my well wishes for this little soldier.

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Re: Feet problems

Post by Tyeman »

Maryna wrote:Thanks all for the valuable input, much appreciated! The breeder was here today, and his take on this is that when Coco left the nest he needed feet to do so. He must have broken both feet and legs as the older birds "welcomed" him into the group after he left the nest. Coco is doing better each day, and starting to master perching on one foot. My next question is: can we splint both legs, and is it possible to do it ourselves?
hmmm if he broke both feet i would deffs work on the perching reflex allot because if it heals in the wrong position he might never be able to perch properly... Im pretty sure you would have to splint both legs if they are both broken... But again im no expert and its hard to tell without seeing the bird... Pretty sure you would be able to do it yourself with some research.. The bird i saw with a splint was padding, Paddle pop stick and gauze... But yea a vet would deffs be able to give you proper advice... Good luck let us know how he turns out..
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Re: Feet problems

Post by Maryna »

Hi all, thanks for all the valuable input. Unfortunately the vet put Coco down this morning. Turns out he had no broken legs, but was born with "Rickets" - Metabolic Bone Disease due to lack of calcium in the yolk. I was shocked when the vet showed us how scew his chestbone was. He was in a lot of pain and it became very difficult to handle and feed him - it broke my heart to take him out of the cage for his feeds, as I could see that it hurt him. He is in a better place now :(
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Re: Feet problems

Post by MissK »

Maryna, it was good of you to try to help Coco, and equally good to put him down when the extent of the problem was realized. You are in a position to help others from this sad experience, by learning what you can about Rickets and contributing that knowledge to the Forum when applicable. It's a lousy way to become the informed one. I'm sorry it had to happen that way for you. Mylo will be all that more dear to you, and I know you'll be looking after her with all the care and love she needs, ready to go the extra mile if the need should ever arise.
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Re: Feet problems

Post by AJPeter »

I would like to add my sorrow thoughts at this time for you Maryna :(
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Re: Feet problems

Post by TiffandKari »

I'm sorry to hear about beautiful Coco but I'm happy to know that you gave him a good life and was a caring owner, as bad as you may feel now, bad experiences do help you to learn for the future, I originally had two IRNs but one sadly died. It's made me more aware of changes in my remaining IRN and it probably helped me along the way to becoming a better owner to my bird.
Tiff and Kari

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