its been 4 weeks and alot of bites

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its been 4 weeks and alot of bites

Post by lilstephii143 »

So its been 4 weeks since I brought my IRN with me to PA. I wrote in my previous post about her coming here. I tried not using a glove thinking a glove would be more scary and now I have to start using one. She has bitten me several times and not just a bite and run away... she purposely bites and stays on and u can feel her going harder and harder with her beak. Im starting to get frustrated , I know its going to take a while and not going to see an improvement over night.. but i dont see anything different at all. She shievers when shes out. I try to let her hang out with me, I talk to her all the time, whistle, feed her tons of different fruits and veggies and millets out of my hand. Where she grabs and runs with it. But she still tries to run away and into her cage. if shes on her cage and sees me coming she runs back in. When i tell her up she takes her beak and squeezes my skin really hard. I feel like im trying everything i wanted to ... and try to stay consistant. I dont back away when she bites.. I dont yell... and she just seems like shes happier left alone. Im just getting discouraged and i dont know what to do. THe bite today was super hard when I was trying to make her go on my finger. I wanted to tear because it really hurt. I try not to let her on my shoulders but sometimes she climbs fast from my arm and trying to stop her i get bite and then it becomes a project getting her down where my room mate almost got bite trying to help me get her off..

please help!
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Re: its been 4 weeks and alot of bites

Post by InTheAir »

Ringnecks don't like to be "made" to do anything. Don't try to force her!
Giving her treats won't make up for forcing her to do things. Let her climb on you when she wants to and let her have her space when she doesn't want to be handled.

Didn't you mention you are studying to be a vet tech? Do they teach you about positive reinforcement for training? (my course has a section devoted to it). Positive reinforcement is the easiest way to train a ringneck.
There are heaps of good posts on taming on here, if you search the forum.
My favourite resources are: and I highly recommend throughly reading over the blogs and articles to gain a good understanding of how parrots like to interact with people.
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Re: its been 4 weeks and alot of bites

Post by lilstephii143 »

Yes we learned about reforcements. The thing is when u say let her climb she doesnt want to be near me at all and seems happy that way. I was trying to show her im not going to hurt her and when she does come out goodthings have for example she gets a treat. I will look into the sites and read some stuff on it.
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Re: its been 4 weeks and alot of bites

Post by InTheAir »

Think about how you like to be treated.
If someone you don't know well keeps trying to get in your personal space and tries to touch your shoulder every time they talk to you, forces you to climb on them, how would you feel? Personally, I would immediately dislike the and try to get away!

I just let my birds out of their cages when I'm home and they do what they like. If they want to hang out with me they do, if they don't they don't. They have lots of other things to do.

I've had my new bird almost 2 months and she has started hanging out with me more often. Mostly stuff like flying to perch near me when she wants a nap or coming to see what I am eating or playing with. It can take a long time to make friends with a bird that isn't tame.
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Re: its been 4 weeks and alot of bites

Post by Donovan »

learning about reinforcement in school and then having issues with it at home is like Dr. Phil having marital problems haha. It's all easier said than done I suppose.

Your bird's whole world has just been thrown upside down.. being moved. A dog would be so happy to be with you even if you lived in an alley somewhere, but your bird loved the comfort of home. It's going to take time to adapt to a new home. She isn't comfortable yet. She'll get there. Maybe you could try ignoring her for a while.
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Re: its been 4 weeks and alot of bites

Post by lilstephii143 »

Well it was more if dog cat behaviors not birds. Nd school is more of medicines. We went over behavior briefly but not for birds. Ill just let her be. Maybe im just reading from to many sources on the internet that suggest different things. But once im done studying ill read those sites .
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Re: its been 4 weeks and alot of bites

Post by InTheAir »

I have read a lot about training and taming parrots. I've tried a few different things, to see what effect it had on my bird and I have come to the conclusion that the best way to work with an Indian ringneck is force-free using positive reinforcement. I can't recommend it highly enough!
My new bird was so scared of people when I got her. I didn't take any videos of her until she settled down a bit, because I didn't want to scare her more. My boyfriend took some photos that clearly show how terrified she was though.
My bird less than a week after I got her, straight out of an aviary

Here's a more recent video

We avoided quite a lot of biting too! I have been bitten by her when I do stupid things, but she does lovely soft warning bites to remind me I'm in the wrong. She doesn't try to hurt me, she just warns me that she is upset and I need to respect her.
I've seen her destroy household objects and toys, so I can see that if she thought I wasn't going to listen she could easily take a chunk out of a finger, if she thought it was the only way to get me to listen to her.
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