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Post by Xenobia »

What's everyone's opinions of letting your IRN play in front of mirrors?

Busey LOOOVES the mirror and will kiss it and groom himself in front of it, but I worry that he'll get too vain. :) I also don't want him to think it's another bir that he can never actually reach.

Anyone have any advice on the vain IRN/mirror topic?
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Post by Mikaela »

You know hun, I have always heard that mirrors will hender speech but my husband picked one up and put it in her cage without me noticing right away or I would have removed it. He spoils her but acts as if she doesnt exist... spoiler by nature.

I dont know if this is coincidence or if it promoted her speech but only until the mirror was put in there did s/he start talking.

I didnt notice it right away because he put it at the back of the cage where she blocked the view because thats where she sits. It is a very small one that turns on axis and screws onto the cage.

She stands on it and chatters away. Will I remove it? I dont know. I too am still torn as to if this is a Ya or Na. The good thing about the axis is she can turn it away from her to point up, and she does when she doesnt want to play with it. She *never* leaves it so it shines to her if she isnt playing on/with it.

If I were going to try a mirror, it would be the one I described if I were you, that way your baby can turn the mirror away from them when they wish.
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by Dani03 »

In a small cage, a mirror will promote over protectiveness. Most that I have heard of that live in 'smaller' cages will think that the bird in the morror will be their mate and will fight anything that tries to getinto the cage.

Baby's cage is huge so maybe she doesn't figure that it's so important. Or maybe she's is just bonded with you Mik so that bird doesn't matter.

That's just my opinion and experiences. One of my tiels guarded that mirror with fierce jealousy.

Hehehe sorry guys but most of my experience coems from dealing with tiels so if I am wrong on anything call em on it. We all learn :wink:

Dani and Prinny
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Post by Xenobia »

Well - he doesn't have a mirror in his cage...
Three WHOLE WALLS of our condo are mirrors!
He likes having his playstand up against the mirror wall. But he can also see US and the rest of the room in the mirror, so I'm pretty sure he knows it not another bird.

Just some clarification - no mirrors INSIDE his cage!
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Post by Mikaela »

I didnt consider that Dani, good point, great job.

Baby could avoid it completely. Awesome. Never considered that.
~ Mikaela Sky

Datsun and Family
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Post by Datsun and Family »

Humans and possibly Chimps are the only animals that recognise their own reflection as being themselves.

I do allow Dats to play in front of mirrors, as do many others on this baord. I see no harm in it, Dats loves to flirt with the beautiful birdie looking back at her.

I would not at this stage put a mirror in her cage because I do not want her to be possesive of it or reliant on it. She also gets herself very worked up in front of a mirror and I would not want her to play with it for too long.

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Post by IMR4N »

Hey people what an interesting notion hmmmm. I have heard in several cases that birds brought up together will never talk and if you put 2 birds together that can talk they will stop both these statements I have found to be false. They will mimic mostly what they feel they need to in order to survive or for communicational purposes. Apes and humans arnt the only creaters that can differentiate between a person and a reflection. A fellow lover of all creators (be them large or small) who once visited my home to design our kitchen also kept a CAG he had her for 10 years and said they were one of the few birds that could recognize them selves in a mirror and understand the concept of glass. He told me that she had never seen a mirror but when he put her in front of one she immediately said hello followed my her name (she had not said her name in 7 years and had suddenly used it in context and apparently she hasn’t used it since). But maybe the territory thing could be right usually if it works with one species it works with the others.
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Post by Michelle »

I just sent a message asking for advice on mirrors. My IRN loves me and is tame, but I think he loves his mirror toy better. He is actually obssesed with it. Jacques' is 1yr. and 10 months old and he is not talking. I don't know how healthy his obssesion with the mirrors are and is this keeping him from talking. Any suggestions? Thanks, Michelle
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Post by Neokireina »

I'd lose the mirror. Be strong and dont give in to your baby, He will get over it in time. You might want to get him a REAL companion instead if you spend alot of time at work.

Hrm.. My ringnecks dont say anything. They whistle, but not talk. I dont know if they are ever going to either.

My suns say a few words. It's really up to how much time YOU spend with them.
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Post by Mikaela »

If he is 'that into the mirror' I believe it needs to go. He is bonding, not good.
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by Michelle »

Well, today was Jacques' first day without his mirrors (toys). He woke up screaming and upset realizing they were gone. I feel so bad, but I stuck to it and did not give in. He had no interest in his oher toys. Hope I made the right decision. Michelle
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Post by Neokireina »

Hold out, try spending more time with your bird to make up for his lack of company. It will just take time, Dont give in. :)
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Post by Mikaela »

Ignorance is bliss.

I wish I coud sit in front of a mirror and not realize it wasnt me. I'd have a damn blast! And probably the best conversation I have ever had because I wouldnt have to pause to allow others to speak. So annoying! :wink:
~ Mikaela Sky

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