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Post by Michelle »

I was hoping that someone could maybe answer a couple of questions for me. I have a male IRN (Jacques'), he is 1yr. and 10 months old and he is not talking yet. Does this mean that it is too late and he probably won't talk? Secondly, he is very attached to a few toys that are mirrors. He is obsessed with one of them. If I walk off to clean his toy, he will scream, flap his wings and fly toward me to get his toy back. I debate whether this is healthy for him or not. Should I take his toys (which I hate to do) b/c I think he thinks this is his mate and I wonder if this has kept him from talking. I took his toy one night, but felt bad and gave it back to him the next morning. Do you have any suggestions? I really wish he would talk, but he rathers just play in the mirrors all day. Thank you, Michelle
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Post by michelle999 »

That is so wierd, i had 3 mirrors in Ringo's cage, and i thought that may be why he is not making noises etc do i took them all away and also felt guilty so i put 2 back. He still has 2 in his cage but does not cling onto them as much as he used to, partly because he chews them up and i have to fix them all the time. Whe we first got him he would be permanently attached to his mirrors.
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Post by jen5239 »

I am BY FAR NO expert on anything when it comes to birds. BUT I have heard many times that mirrors are not a good idea. I've been told that the bird will "bond" with the bird in the mirror therefore not needing us. So I have never put a mirror in with any of my birds. But I could be totally wrong. :shock:

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Post by Neokireina »

I dont give my birds mirrors but then again I always have more than one bird and they keep each other company.

I had heard that mirrors will discourage your bird form talking and bonding more with you. It's not too late!! They *usually* start talking between 10 months and 2 years I believe, but they can talk anytime really. You really need to spend alot of time with your bird. I'm sure Chamon can help you more there with the talking thing.

Some birds learn some birds dont, You can *encourage* them but you cant *make* them. Try teaching your bird a whistle first. Then you can move on to talking. Make your words MEAN something, they will try to learn those words to use on you. Like my suns all learn KISS, and associate this word with the action of kissing. When they want a kiss, they tell me kiss and make kissy noises. Also words like hello, up, or some food related words are the quickest your birds learn because they are assosicated with actions.

Also be consistant. If every time you go to let your bird out of it's cage you say "wanna come out?" The bird will associate this phrase with the act of coming out of it's cage. So the bird has more encouragement to learn this phrase and say it to you, when it wants to come out. If your not consistant your bird might not make the connection.
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Post by Datsun and Family »

For me I dont think mirrors stop a bird who already talks from talking, Dats loves to tease the other bird in the mirror and show off by talking. However I believe they can form an unhealthy relationship with the bird in the mirror and if they are not yet talking they probably wont bother because the other bird doesnt.

I do allow Datsun to play in front of mirrors occasionally and she spends that time trying to impress the bird looking back at her and then will resort to feeding it.... she is 16 months old and going through puberty so thats understandable.

In my opinion.... take away the mirrors, I would never let a bird live long term with a mirror as it is terribly frustrating for them to want to love and preen or play with this 'other' bird and get nothing in return. Athena may have some thoughts on this too.

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Post by birdman5000 »

[quote="jen5239"]I am BY FAR NO expert on anything when it comes to birds. BUT I have heard many times that mirrors are not a good idea. I've been told that the bird will "bond" with the bird in the mirror therefore not needing us. So I have never put a mirror in with any of my birds. But I could be totally wrong. :shock:


i have heard the exact same thing and the exact opposite also but i dont give them mirrors for fear of them breaking it and getting cut or ingesting the glass/plastic
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Post by Michelle »

Thank you all for your responses. I may try to take the mirrors away and hope he doesn't mourn or get depressed b/c he is so atttached to them. Then I also feel bad b/c at least when I'm not home, he feels like he has company and plays with the mirrors. Will it affect him in any way when I take these mirrors away? Michelle
Datsun and Family
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Post by Datsun and Family »

I work a 50+ hour week, James is a full-time uni student. Datsun spends at least 5-8 hours a day (5 days a week) at home without us. She NEVER screams when we arre gone, we have put a nanny cam on her to see what she does and she plays, chats to Chev and Audi...

Datsuns cage is HUGE and that makes a big difference. I worry about her home while I work so we make up for it in toys and quality time. She gets a few hours out every day and weekends are her time. I have considered a companion for her but she is a happy healthy independant bird. It is me who has issues not her. I feel so guilty when I leave her every day BUT when I had a couple of weeks off she got annoyed with me always being around so I know she is fine.

To be honest you wont know how he will react until you do it, I would take him out of the cage and remove the mirrors without him seeing when you clean his cage out. Then re-arrange all his toys and maybe add to them and let him back in... Good Luck!

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Post by Neokireina »

I think Audi and Chevy already make good companions for Dats. (sorry to stick my nose in, this is just my opinion) Companions of a different species are the best way to go if you really want your pet to have company while your gone AND still be able to really interact with you.

I think only having one bird is a sad thing unless your home all day, cos they really are flock orientated creatures. Ringnecks are more independant than other parrots, but I think the flock of different species is the way to go.
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